Welp. Today absolutely has not gone as planned. Not even sort of. Brady worked quite late into the evening yesterday so that he could justify today’s morning stuff that needed doing, and then this morning turned into a total crapshoot and its been tough to come back from. Nevertheless, things got done, thanks to all of our loving, willing helpful people 💜 and in terms of what actually needed doing, it all went off without too much trouble.
As I scramble to get our butts out the door to get us to the lake, I’m struggling to find many positives in the day so far. So rather than being a total downer, I’ll share a giggle with you.
Last summer, I put a little temporary tattoo of a ghost on my wrist, to fit in with the kids, lol! And it became quite the running joke, as I would randomly thrust it into the faces of my unsuspecting loved ones and announce loudly “A ghost!” in Joey Tribianni style. You can hear it. I know you can.
So. As mentioned. Running joke. Still!
Anyway. Dekker came home from school yesterday and unpacked a bunch of his stuff. Much of the papers he showed me were from art. Sketches he had spent a lot of time on. Things he was really proud of. And then this. For me.

Can you hear him saying it?? Because he did, and I was proud.
Aaaaaanyway. That’s really all I have to offer you today.