I am feeling so richly blessed today. I was able to reconnect with our dear Morsel this afternoon 💜 I cannot explain all of the feelings that were floating around in the air. I had the expectation of dropping something off to the Morsels mom, rubbing the baby’s back, saying I loved them, and walking away. Instead, I was welcomed into their appointment with them. We bantered and she updated me on all kinds of goings on, milestones, and anecdotes. It felt warm and peaceful. The Morsel seemed confused, for sure, but not unhappy. Quizzical.
When the appointment was done, as we walked out, she offered for me to carry our Morsel. I thanked her and asked baby if that was ok. The moment the Morsel was in my arms, they reached their hands up and tenderly touched my face, a little smirk on their face. I barely could keep myself from completely giving in to tears. We walked to the front desk and while she spoke to reception, I asked and was granted the chance to take some pictures 💜 So we did that, and then watched the fish in the tank. It felt SO good to lay my eyes on the Morsel. And my hands! The unexpected softness from both mom and baby was incredibly thrilling for my heart.
As my overthinking mind wanders, all I can do is pray that I did it all as right as I could – that I didn’t overstep, or overwhelm, or that the Morsel didn’t struggle after we parted ways. I pray that she didn’t feel uncomfortable with our warm reunion, and that she remains open to knowing me and my family. BUT. I want what is best for the Morsel, however that looks. If this is the final visit, I couldn’t be more grateful 💜
Thank you Lord for this chance, and for working in the Morsels family 💜 I know you are there with them also. We praise Your name, no matter Your will.