A Different Schedule This Weekend

I want to say that I’m happy its Friday, and I am, but not as happy as I am some other weekends, haha! Brady works this Saturday, which is always a bit of a buzzkill :/ It changes our lake time significantly. However, we will still have an absolute BLAST! Maybe even more so than usual!

Tomorrow is Chers birthday! So I’ll see her a bit in the day, and then she’ll enjoy the rest of her day in some fun ways that she’s planned 💜 I’m not going to blast all of her plans.

Our family will come up quite late on Saturday evening. Because we cannot bear to sleep at home when we could be sleeping at the lake!

Sunday, both Cher and my mom will be with us 💜 Plus our dear Dahlsjos. What an incredible group of people to have all in one place! In OUR place! Our precious lake spot!

The weather is even supposed to be beautiful ☀️ I can’t wait!

Sunday afternoon, however, we’ll lose Mr. Dekker to robotics camp, for which he is SO excited!!!

Off I go! Time to tie up as many loose ends as I can before tomorrow! Which, conveniently, isn’t too many! Yesterday and today aren’t insane days, and tomorrow will also be pretty chill, I believe! I’m grateful we made it smoothly through the BIG days, and that we have some slower days to enjoy afterwards.

Happy Friday, friends! 💜