Solomon and I have had a deal.
He has insisted on keeping his long hair, and I have LOVED it. But when he started making a fuss over brushing it, I told him it would have to go. I said we had to brush it every single day, or we’d have to cut it, because its something we need to keep nice. So he chose brushing, and tolerated it WAY better each day. So the hair stayed. Until it was just so stinking long that I started to need to tie it back. That was a bit of a tougher sell. After just a few times of my tying it back, it became an issue. But he HATED the idea of having it cut.
The other day I mentioned it again, in an effort to slowly get him used to the idea. And he surprised me by saying “… well how about a home buzz?”
A home buzz it is!!!
So this morning, before church, I unceremoniously snagged him from his lego and told him it was time! He immediately froze up, but Rowan sidled up to him and said confidently “Solly!! YOU 🙌 can do this!” It was so stinking adorable, and Solly was officially talked into it.
Before I show you anything, I know its not a perfect cut. Far from. But it was his first go, and he was pretty wiggly. And nervous. Rowan diligently sat in front of Sol and moved his toys around to where I was asking Solly to look, in an effort to help him know where to look. He was SO helpful, and SO caring!
Towards the end, we had a few tears when I wanted to clean Sol’s neck up without a guard on the trimmer. He was physically shaking. He watched all of us touch the trimmer, and he even finally touched it, but he still wasn’t ok with it. He cried big tears and said “PLEASE put a guard on!” So I did. Guard 1. We’ll get him there in time 💜 Today was just the first crack at it.
It was over seconds later, and Rowan loudly announced “WOW! Solly, you look SO handsome!!”

He was not wrong! 😍

His little tummy is my favorite thing about these pictures, though. Oof. He is SO cute.
Solly was quick to throw his shirt on and get back to playing. Rowan was just so excited for him, and started him “fuzzy head.” It became a very cute contest to see who was fuzziest, lol!

It was a successful cute morning, and Solly feels so fresh! Feels even more so like spring!!