I was texting Cher right before church began, so when I sat down after the opening songs, I saw a message from her asking “Are you at church?” My response was simple.
And she responded by judging our rebellious message from church.
I’m totally kidding 🤣 but I got a chuckle out of her cute face.
Church was especially restful today because Laela was on the schedule for nursery helper! So that meant our Morsel, who is recently resistant to being away from me during the service, stayed happily in the back. Meaning I could stay happily in the service! Heyooo! I could even *gasp* LISTEN!!!
Aaaaand the last detail – I killed a maple bug on my neck while I sat in the service. Made me feel all itchy. And now, writing about it is having the same effect.
I’m ready for bed. Pray there are no maple bugs in here….. 👀