A Couple of Updates

The kids felt super encouraged after festival. Thank you to everyone who built them up and celebrated with them! I got Laela and Solly each a stuffed toy to celebrate their accomplishment, which was small and possibly insignificant, but they were into it, so I’m calling it a win.

Solly’s goat is named Professor, after Dr. Dillamond in Wicked.

Laela’s bunny is named Moose. Just because. Moose grew a beard this morning.

Another story. Dekker got to pick up his new glasses today! He didn’t pose very nicely for a picture, but he feels pretty fly in them. I told him he looked handsome, and his response was “Ooo! Yup, I do!”

They have a little red polo guy on the side. He is so grown up these days.

Last update is regarding Brady’s health. His Monday appointment at the cancer centre was very disappointing. As it turned out, when he went to get his cervical spine scanned, he learned that his oncologist changed the course of treatment completely, without Brady’s knowledge or consent. When Brady questioned the technicians, they called the doctor to get confirmation and he basically said to scan the entire spine, and he’d made a plan over this week.

Meaning no radiation this week :/ Treatment isn’t meant to start until well into next week.

Meanwhile, Brady is waking up each morning with less mobility. His condition is declining every day. And we just have to wait. It is positively brutal to watch, and I imagine quite miserable to experience as well.

Meals began to make their way here today, among other things. It is beautiful to observe how many people are so willing and even eager to put into our family. I don’t even know what to ask for, but I know many are chomping at the bit to meet our needs 💜 It is wildly humbling. Thank you, all, for all the ways you are caring for us in this time of our lives. There is much uncertainty, but there is peace in Christ, and much comfort from His people.

Whew. Ok. I’m tired now. Kids will be home any minute from clubs, and then I’m ready to hit the hay!

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