With the very heavy week weighing hard on me, you may have noticed I’ve been a tad one track minded 😆 Oof. We’re still there, but I figured I’d tell you a couple of other things from the last few days.
We went to Home Depot the other day to find an item for my that will bump my crocheting up yet another level. Albeit a small level, it still counts 🙂 Yay professionalism!

Speaking of crocheting, baskets are still coming along nicely!
The same day as our run to Home Depot, we got side swiped by a semi. That really sucked. He tore our mirror off and kept on driving. We drove next to him until we were stopped at a red light. Brady got his attention and they both rolled down their windows. He denied responsibility, muttered something under his breath, and took off. Sooooo we chased him and got his info and called his boss. Still working on getting that sorted out. The repair will either cost us $200 in deductibles or it will cost them $1100 to keep it private. We’ll see.

Rowan brought home his new years resolutions. I loved this one. He’s doing a lot of thinking these days. I have to talk more about him again soon. He had a really thorough, informative doctors appointment the other day, finally.

Anniversary food was big ole steak with blue cheese on top. And crispy parm potatoes, which I wholeheartedly recommend making, because they are crazy easy, crazy good, and finger food. YUM! The cheese looks mouldy but it is ridiculously good. It makes a very basic steak seem super fancy.

The day we went out on a date, Cher watched the kids, and she made snowmen with Laela and Wavy! None of the boys wanted to go outside, but the weather was WAY too nice to stay inside, so the ladies went out for a bit and made snowmen!
The last picture you saw yesterday. Brady’s physio appointment was such an encouragement. Even with WAY too long of a stretch of time between appointments, considering Christmas and covid, Brady had made beautiful progress. His hips were stronger. His right ankle was stronger. His walking was better. His physiotherapist hadn’t even had the chance to see him since he got his new brace, so there was a lot to catch up on. Meanwhile, throughout his appointment, many other therapists would interrupt the conversation and say they saw our ad on tv. Everyone was SO excited and encouraging. They were all happy to have finally seen the kids, too, which felt warm and personal. Our social worker was even there and stopped to chat for a bit about our lives and details. I have to say, we are incredibly fortunate to have had the chance to be situated at that particular rehab facility. It is an incredible warm, loving, positive place. Once you’re in there, you always have those relationships, it seems. I am so grateful for the people working at City Hospital on the 7th floor rehab.

Its been a FULL week. Oof. Waking up this morning, every joint in my body was weak and exhausted. I could hardly move. But soon, my body will find true rest again, and the days will feel more normal now.
Hopefully the two year mark doesn’t hit quite this hard 😅