A Classy Bunch

Thank you, everyone, for your care about our housing situation. I received some comments, a handful of private messages, and even a call or two after I posted the blog, and it really meant a lot to me 💜 It is undeniable that we have a beautiful crew of people in our corner, and for you all, I am SO grateful.

I do want to say something about my weird vague way of talking about this. On one hand, I don’t care to reveal TOO much about where we are aiming to move on the internet. Feels a bit tricky, and while the vast majority of my readers are people I am at least acquainted with, I can’t speak for the group in entirety. I don’t want absolutely EVERYONE to know where I live. I’m sure that makes sense.

Also, realistically, whoever does buy our house will indeed live in town, and I do NOT desire to say or suggest anything disrespectful! I have NO bad blood whatsoever! But, in the same breath, things are not going as I would prefer, and the door is not closed on selling our house to someone else.

As the clause states in our acceptance of the offer on our house, if anyone shows up who wants to buy it who does not have to sell their home first, we are able to accept their offer. That would absolutely be our ideal, for obvious reasons.

Anyway. Thats the end of my shorty rant. I mean no disrespect. But we continue to look for buyers. So. If you know anyone.
