This little one is at that totally endearing (albeit messy) stage where she’d rather smile than drink milk. She’s so happy and cute, yet every time she smiles, milk pours out of her mouth all over her. So thats fun, and not smelly at all. Its ok. Its completely worth the mess.
This kid’s bedhead game is STRONG!
Then there is this one, who should really never wear clothes when he eats. Today is was yogurt. Thankfully, this morning, I was lazy enough that I didn’t put a shirt on him. It worked out.
And then there are these. Hear me when I say I was SO disappointed when it was time to send him to school. I just wanted them to finish their book!! But they’re both anticipating reading the end of it together after school.
That last one doesn’t happen too often, but this particular instance was totally polite and complaint-free! Win!!
I love these kids. Even if I complain about them from time to time, or I share struggles with you, I hope you all know I would NEVER trade my life or the people in it for anything!!! I feel so fortunate.