A Blanket I Forgot to Show You

This may seem like a small, unimportant post, but I want to have my projects recorded on here. While I have crocheted for well over half my life, I think Iโ€™ve upped my game in the last year or two, creating more customized, advanced pieces.

This baby blanket is not something I would say is advanced at all, but I can see that I pulled it out and restarted twice. Hahaha! Probably not something to broadcast, but even simpler designs need to be made right! Iโ€™m really happy with how it turned out ๐Ÿ™‚

I used a soft lilac yarn and the brightest neon coral I could find for the triangles ๐Ÿ™‚ I thought it was a super cute design, though not in the standard baby blanket pastels. Once the blanket was shipped off to its rightful owner, it was confirmed that the colors were a solid โ€œyes.โ€ Win!

Aaaaanyway, such is another project finished! Onto the next!