I have a number of cute pictures from the last few days that haven’t really suited any posts, or haven’t been necessarily deserving of their own post. But I’m going to put them here 🙂 So they don’t get lost or missed. Because CUTE!
First, the sleeping princess 👸

This is proof that since Brady has come home, I had once again had some headspace for crocheting! I’ve missed it, but couldn’t bring myself to work on it when he was gone. Its baaaaack! Projects in full swing once again 🙂

Wavy looking SO beautiful!! She may not be smiling, and she may have a super weird shaggy hairstyle, but goodness she’s gorgeous. Yet when I show her this picture of herself, she just gets excited that her blankie and piggy are in it! So, win! Lol

Rowan eating some ridiculously delicious Saskatoon berry crisp!

I took a picture of this FaceTime call because the lamp behind me looked like a hat. Yes, thats the only reason. 💂

Proof that Rowan is now taller than Laela. Crazy!!! To be fair, his hair has some height here, but even when we flattened it, he was still taller. Juuuuust a little!

Brady, Dekker and I went for a walk after bedtime the other day to drop some dishes off. It was FREEZING and I regretted the walk completely, hahaha! I blame the mass I lost in the last couple of months, haha!

Wheelies with Rowan!

Rowan made a camera out of magformers the other day, and I thought it was SO impressive!

And Solly made a “super cool pokey thing!” which we decided was a drill without a trigger.

Rowan and Laela have been really scrappy recently, and we’ve been having them spend a bit more intentional, nice time together. Last night, they did a puzzle together. They read together. Stuff like that. This morning, Rowan asked Laela if he could brush his teeth in the bathroom with her, and I was very surprised that she said yes!!! It was really really nice to see them coexisting in the bathroom, willingly, happily. *whispers* Its working!

Aaaaand this is about how this morning is going, hahaha! This cute little butthead is the life of the party.

Radiation still to come over lunch time, and a quick errand or two. Yesterday was SO full of GOOD things, but goodness we were tired by the end of it! Today should be a bit lighter 🙂 With yet another supper walking through our door. I am overwhelmingly grateful.
Oh, I love all the cute adorable pictures! So lovely, what a beautiful family! So good to see normal happening! 💕😍
Love your crocheting work, Hailey, so talented!