My birthday supper was probably the best detail of the day 🤤 Brady bought a huge salmon filet and grilled it up slowly on our camp chef. To the side, we rocked some roasted broccoli. That was ALL we needed! Brady, Cher, and I ate like royalty!

My night could have been better but it also could absolutely have been worse! The three of us enjoyed the campfire and coffee before getting the kids up and getting on with the day. It because clear early on in the day that it needed to be a beachy one. Not because it was hot. Because it was grey.

Cher and the kids sculpted animals in the sand 🐙🐢

Some of the kids, that is. Others were overtired and opted to lay low 😆

I took a load off and continued to covet the boats on the dock.
We headed back to the site for some lunch and rest time. At that point, I was feeling quite fed up with my lack of voice (thanks for nothing, month long cold) and decided it would be nice to sneak another food treat once most kids were tucked away. So we picked up Asian at the local restaurant!

Ok, Brady got a burger. But Cher and I both chose shrimp chow mein. Because we know what a good thing is.

We ate, and took our time chatting and letting our food settled. It wasn’t long after lunch that Cher bid us adieu and headed home 💜 It was SO good to have her here! We miss you already, Cher!

We tried to head back to the beach for a little, but we got rained out and the kids were not fans. So it didn’t last, unfortunately. But it was beautiful while it lasted.

Now, the fire is going, the sun is out, and the kids are biking the loops and enjoying themselves. Everyone is content, so I am also.

I hope the same for you all 💜