A Bit More About the Lake Date

Tuesday was spent at the lake, getting our campsite ready and a few of the bigger things organized to streamline the upcoming camp season!

Our family loves a good road trip, but a road trip with only Brady and I is a very special treat.

Welcome home to us ๐Ÿ’œ

Our first move upon arrival was to park the van over by the bump out and boost the camper to get it slid out. Once we knew that was in order, the inaugural fire was built ๐Ÿ”ฅ

This is SUCH a happy place for us, even before its all green and sunny and hot.

The restaurants were closed, but the grocery store was not, so we bought some fruit and had a light lunch by the fire.

But then we got into it all. So here is where we are.

I got to the grocery store and bought a few water jugs. Water jug is plugged into the electrical and is fully operational.

Water is running. Drop in is dropped in.

The absolute grossest part of the camper is cleaned.

Mouse poison is cleaned up. NO SIGN of visitors over the winter months.

Bump out is mostly good. It wouldnโ€™t come all the way out, and a bracket bent badly after a weld let go. A super helpful guy from the campground came to help us get it muscled out the best we could, so while its not perfect, the fridge can open! Heyooo!

I did not get to fill the wood bin. Nope. The bump out took too much time :/

But! The golf cart batteries installed perfectly and hand controls went on easily. That first ride was SO peaceful. Probably the last quiet one of the season!

It was positively beautiful out there. The lake is ready to be photographed at length by yours truly.

Trees were easy on the eyes as well ๐Ÿ˜

We drove home pretty much immediately after the drive, stopping for Subway, which we rarely justify when we have all the kids, lol!

Aaaaand home we went ๐Ÿ’œ It is always good to be home, but always sad to leave our Kinasao home.

Every single time we go to the lake, it highlights how good we have it. Praise the Lord for providing such an amazing getaway for us!!