I love Cher. And I love lists. So.
C is for courageous. Not to be deterred by fear. Brave. This is a constant effort that Cher makes, and it pays off! Vulnerability is brutal, but its beautiful, and describes Cher perfectly.
H is for hardworking. Or helpful. Either way, Cher has a heart to put in all she can to assist those she loves and who love her. If there is job she can take off my list, she will.

E is for empowered. And while self empowerment sounds great, she is empowered by Christ alone, which is a huge gift, but also a lot of work. And she puts that work in to fill herself with the right stuff! With God, Cher is capable of absolutely anything!
R is for receptive. Even in the thick of struggle, she will consider angles and ideas she may not have before. She is open and willing! This is a beautiful sign of humility!
I is for important!!! I know this doesn’t necessarily fit the mold of this list, but I really want it in here. Cher is valuable and worthy of all the love and affection and care! She is an incredibly important person in the world, and I am honoured to call her my best friend!

C is for creative. Cher is an artist in SO many avenues that likely many of you don’t even know. I’m sure there are ways I don’t even know! She is creative with different tangible or digital mediums. In picture or word. In household or food. She has an incredible brain.
E is for empath. My beautiful Cher feels so deeply, and carries very real feelings for those around her. Almost to a fault, she shoulders much that does not belong to her, but it is part of how she loves and how she was created by God. It is not an easy job, but she was made for it, and she does it beautifully.
As my sweet Cherice celebrates another year around the sun, I thank the Lord for her existence in this world, and in my family.

Dear girl, you are my sweet lady. My best friend. My sister 💜 I love you, and I miss you! I can’t wait to see you in a couple of days and give you 32 smacks on the butt. And one for good luck, like Mrs. Lepp would do.
I love you I love you I love you!