A Better Morning with Waverly

Yesterday’s blog wasn’t rose coloured at all. It was a hard day. I slept very hard last night, which was much needed! That being said, when I woke up, my anxiety was through the roof. I didn’t want to be with the kids. I didn’t want to open their doors and start the day. I had dread for another day like yesterday. I was afraid.

But, as a mom does, I got up and got the kids like every other day. It helped that Brady is home for the morning. He went to get Dekker and Solomon up, and I got Rowan, Laela, and Wavy. It was a very smooth morning getting them fed and ready for school. Rowan has picture day together, and he decided on his outfit. Kid looks FLY, if you ask me! 👌

I opted to walk the kids to school today, and it was a good choice. Getting outside lifted my spirits a bit, and the fresh air always feels good. I love when I get the chance to walk with them!

Almost as soon as I got home, Solly went off to preschool with Brady, and Wavy helped me crochet a few things, re-roll some yarn, and watched Hamilton videos on YouTube. Good music always helps my attitude stay up, and Wavy never watches tv, so she was thrilled to watch YouTube. But also, because she never watches anything, she watched for a bit, and then took to listening while she played with yarn, my slippers, stuffies, etc. It was really nice.

I’m feeling a lot lighter now. Solly and Wavy are both here, eating lunch, and I’m not far behind in my own plans. Lunch is soon to come, and then Brady is going to take the van to get winter tires put on while I plan/prep for a weekend (eek) away!

Hopefully I can pick the kids up today too!