
Its been SUCH a weird morning!! All the kids are a bit off of their schedules from our big Saturday with family, and then no nap again on Sunday, so we expected a bit of backlash from that. Its part of having kids, as well as additional things going on in your life! Right? Thats what I hear, anyway.

Rowan woke up to eat around 1:00am, and then again shortly after 6:00am, which I still prefer to consider the night. He, however, loves this new thing where he’s awake from 6:00-7:30 and then goes back down for a few hours. Strangely, that is not my favorite time of the day to be awake, but such is life. I can work with it. So I had a decently early morning with my poor teething little guy. His day hasn’t run particularly smoothly.

Once he was back down, Dekker and Laela were awake in their room so I went in for them. Laela greeted me with such a big smile and “HI!” Her boogers also greeted me in a big way, running all down her chin and stringing over her mouth zombie-style. Its a shame, really, for her mouth is one I dearly love to kiss.

So that was two out of three down for the count. Thankfully, my Dekker Thomas was chipper and healthy, and didn’t really use the situation to his advantage. Instead of vying for extra attention, he’s kept to himself somewhat and played very well.

I am SO thankful for my children! Even on days like these, I see so many things that I am blessed by. Laela dripping her way over to Rowan with a burp pad when she sees he spat up a little. Dekker telling Laela how pretty she is. I’m SO thankful that my kids are obedient. Laela truly hates having her nose wiped, but never once have I had to chase her down. Sometimes when I would ask her to come have her nose wiped, she’s say “no,” but hers is the CUTEST “no” out there. Its new 🙂 But when I would reply with “Yes, come now please” she just does! Its awesome. I’m so thankful that my kids sleep when they’re sick. I’m under the impression that lots of kids struggle to sleep when they feel so bad, but mine prefer to sleep through it and wake up feeling better on the other side. So when Rowan really started giving her, all I had to do was wrap him up and he was silent. Didn’t even whimper when I lay him down. And I’m so very thankful for Dekker, being my big helper, watching out for his siblings, and not really asking for anything. Until about 12:45.

The kids usually nap around 1:00, so they had a bit of time left, when Dekker kind of rolled into the playmat that was set up for Rowan, and knocked it over. Rowan was already upstairs sleeping, so I wasn’t concerned at all, and didn’t really pay attention to it. Dekker, however, was ticked, and burst out crying. I was very gentle with him and told him it was completely ok that the toy arch thing fell over. No big deal whatsoever! But he started to struggle with it, trying to put it back together. Unfortunately, its not as easy as just lifting it, but things have to go in places, and it just takes a bit of coordination that he hasn’t learned yet. I went to him and tried to show him how he could do it, but he wouldn’t relax. I asked him why he was so upset, and he just dropped his hands at his sides and cried “I don’t know!”

So in the moment, it made matters worse, but we all hauled ourselves upstairs and I tucked them in. I didn’t hear a single peep, not one complaint, nothing. It surprised me that my healthy one was the one who fell apart in the end, but I hadn’t even considered that he may be battling it too, but just be a few hours behind. Who knows what we’ll find when they all wake up…

So, two out of three are sick, one is likely on his way, and I’m pretty sure there is very little hope for Brady and I. All three are sleeping, but Ro is stirring quite a bit since he wouldn’t have it and was asleep earlier than usual. Brady is discouraged at work, and I’m freezing and sleepy from being up since 6:00. I know thats normal to many people, but not to me. I suppose things change…

Anyway, think of us! We’re already sick and tired of being sick and tired, and its only day one. But its a Monday, so it feels more like day five.