You Know the Balance I Mean

You guys probably know my ideal balance. I talk about it a lot. The balance between productive and restful. When I can have a day where I get lots done but I also rest and enjoy things and let down a little, I feel the most human.

Today was one of those days.

I have to be careful what I post on here. After yesterdays post talking about house projects taking a little longer these days, Rae and Tom decided to offer to take the kids for a large chunk of today! What a HUGE gift! They took all eight of the kids from about mid morning until 3pm.

While they had them, we got to work! Brady did all the wiring in the island, for both the stovetop and a couple of outlets. I took all the drawers out so he could detach the cabinets from the kick box, as well as detach the countertop. He did lots of the fussy work, and I was the one who heaved the whole dang thing over a few inches.

While I wasn’t islanding, I worked on a wildly intricate blanket I’m making for this summer’s auction at Kinasao. Its probably my most challenging blanket to date, and its going to take absolutely forever 😅 Ive finished 11 rows! Only 249 left 😳

We spend the evening with the kids and my mom, as we often do on Sundays. We had macaroni and nuggets in celebration of our Lemon Drop 💜 Did you know we have a leap year baby?? We do! So happy belated birthday to that adorable little sweetheart. To know LD is to love LD.

Naturally, the new peanut has napped for the last four hours and is only waking up now, sooooo 😬🤞 wish us luck for the night!! Tomorrow brings the new week of school, appointments, visits, etc. I’m ready!

So Many Things, So Little Time

Brady had a few jobs to work on today. Definitely more him jobs that me jobs. Which actually kind of sucks. Bradys mobility has dropped off recently, which has been unsettling to say the least. I don’t normally share much about this kind of thing until we’ve gotten at least somewhat close to the bottom of it, or we have a plan. We are still working on both of those aspects of the situation, but it needs to come into conversation because, if you’re around it, you’ll notice. All is not lost. Just pray. We are hopeful, and God is sovreign.

So. Jobs. One job is still pertaining to our island. We had a setback last week, but the stove top WILL be installed this Tuesday. But before it can be, Brady needs to modify some cabinets, part of the countertop, and we have to shift the entire thing over a few inches. I know, it seems a bit dumb to move it all for such a small amount of space, but part of redoing the island was also to make a bit more room around it for Brady to function easier in the kitchen. So, more work now, but worth it in the long run.

Something that has been challenging recently for Brady is getting his wheelchair out of his van for work. He has a pretty good setup, but he still has to rely on strength in his legs to a degree, and right now, that is risky. Winter ice makes it all the more sketchy. So yesterday, I went to Princess Auto and I bought a hydraulic crane. This afternoon, Brady and Tom worked together to get it bolted into the minivan. This will provide a way safer way to get in and out of Bradys van. It is not a perfect system, but it definitely beats the total lack of system we have now!

With the change in mobility, jobs that rest on Brady are taking longer, obviously. I think we likely won’t make it to church tomorrow, because Tuesday will be here so soon and we have to get the island taken care of by then! If that was all we had to do, we could easily do it together and it would be over with. But our life is not that simple, perhaps you’ve noticed 😅 So we need to afford ourselves a bit more time for things right now.

It was a productive day 💜 A different level of productive than we’re used to over here, but not an instant burnout day, either. We’ll take it! Thank you, Lord, for carrying us through these uncertain waters. The ripples are getting higher, but You continue to point our chins up to the sky, keeping our heads above water and our eyes on You.