I haven’t baked in a little bit, so the last couple of days, the kids have been scraping together granola bars, yogurt, and oranges for breakfast. There really could be worse fates. But today found us out of almost all of the above. We made it work, but it was clear we needed something else. I started to put together a grocery order but decided since I’m not a total dick, I wouldn’t put it in today. My van wouldn’t even start. I couldn’t ask someone to bring me groceries. I pep talked the kids about pitching in, and everyone was gung ho to be helpful in the kitchen or with the babies, and we got into the morning!
Together, the kids and I baked our usual batch of twelve dozen muffins! It guts me just a little bit that there is no muffin emoji, because I desperately want to line up 144 of them to prove my point. But alas. I cannot.
This will have to do.

Two dozen were packed up for someone else, and the rest went into bags for breakfasts for us! We go through at least 13 muffins each day. Six children eat two for breakfast, and one child eats one. One child doesn’t eat, lol! Thats all assuming Brady and I don’t have any, which we often don’t. So they loaded up in bags of 13 and into the freezer they went!
Dekker and Rowan were my bakers. Laela did dishes. Solly and Wavy hung with the babies. And it all got done! I’m really grateful for my crew 💜 They have reached ages where they are all quite helpful at times, and today that really shone.
Thank you Lord for my beautiful children, and also for providing for us to be able to have yummy breakfasts.