I was invited to set up a table for a marketplace this weekend. I didn’t hem and haw for too long before saying yes. It worked out well, because I split the weekend with another artist, so I only had to commit to one day. Aaaaand that day is tomorrow!!
I had a good chunk of items left from my marketplace at Kinasao, but I figured I’d fill it out a little because you just never know what’ll strike who, and I want to have options. So today, being that I had no other events on the books, I pulled out my knitting machines and got into it.
Except that I completely forgot that my Morsel had pulled down one and broke the leg clean off in the fall. No bigs, though. Brady helped me secure it in a way that we both figured would be enough to last the day. That was the one I make the toques on. While Brady was securing that one for me, I worked on the other one and started to get some headbands going. And then it started clunking like crazy. Like. LOUDLY. So Brady came over and took the handle off, and sure enough, it was stripping inside and it wasn’t going to last.
So once the toque machine was good (enough) to use, Brady got to fixing my other one, and was able to use some adapters on one of his drills, and actually use it to operate the machine! Which is how I gained an employee!! 😅

He looks pretty serious here but he actually secretly enjoyed it. But you didn’t hear it from me. 🤫
In the afternoon, the headband machine officially kicked the bucket. All the way dead. Kaput. So that was it for headbands. I pumped out some more toques and spent the later part of the evening finishing things off, tucking in ends, and getting things looking cute. And I think it kind of worked out.

Find me at the rink tomorrow for your super cute headbands, or any toque/pompom combo you desire! See you guys then!