*The blog disaster is over for now. Thank you for being so patient and understanding. Onto the next*
Dekker went to his first ever lock-in with his youth group!! Last years lock-in fell on a weekend we couldn’t make, so he was VERY excited to finally get in on the fun!!
He came home this morning once the event was wrapped, insisting he was “not tired.” But it wasn’t long before…..

Note that his book is open to page one. Thats how far he made it into his book.
Its possible we had a little fun with him…..

He wasn’t especially impressed, but he wasn’t upset, so most of us enjoyed a good laugh lol! Dekker reluctantly went to his room to nap a little, but resurfaced soon after, insisting yet again that he was not tired.

This all felt very teenagery of him, and I’m not mad at it at all 😍 I am very fond of this boy, and I remember loving those youth events with every fibre of my being. I’m happy he’s in it now, enjoying them as well 💜

Happy first all-nighter, Dekker!! I can’t believe you’re at this point in your life already 💜 I’m SO happy for you.