Done for Now: The Garage

You may remember we moved in January over that absolutely frigid weekend where no one wanted to actually leave their houses. We had a willing group of people jump in to help us get things from the old house to the next house, or, if you will, the new house to the old house, if we’re going for age of house. We had a LOT of stuff, being that we are a LOT of people. So with the frozen weather, and the insane amount of work to do, lots of things made it into the garage that could’ve gone into the house. Not complaining!! It was a TON, and people moved FAST. But the garage was absolutely full to the brim.

Then, you may also remember, Brady had a seizure two weeks after that, and everyone’s energy went out the window. Speaking for myself, all my mental energy was taken up with brain tumours, surgery, Bradys new meds that really really sucked and made him so unhappy, helping the kids process and cope, all the while keeping things rolling as normal as possible.

So those months after a move where everyone putters and ever so slowly gets at least the majority of their boxes unpacked, we spent recovering and struggling under the weight of the impending surgery, and the immense mess that comes with moving, where you don’t know where anything is or how anything works. It was just a lot really close together. It was hard times.

For this entire year, our garage has been filled to the brim. We had friends come help a couple of times, moving tools downstairs and doing some two person stuff that Brady and I can’t manage. And that has helped tremendously! We could actually form a PATH! But as winter approached, Cher and I have been starting to get into the garage with the goal of getting Brady’s work van parked inside. We got the kids their lockers. We got the place heated. We just needed to organize enough to get one half cleared out.

The “before” is kinda wild.

Yup. Thats the best its looked since we moved in. See where my super stroller wagon is? That path is all we had going for us.

Today, Cher, Brady and I spent 2.5 hours this morning working in the garage. We loaded all the recycling into the minivan, as well as some garbage that needed hauling. Cher took a load of things to her place to put out for free on her front lawn. We were able to compress some things. Stack some other things. Move some things into the house into storage or into the shop. Cher did TONS of the legwork of carting things up and down the stairs into the basement, and Brady and I did a lot of organizing. Our garage is well fitted with lots of good storage already, so we put up lots of the camping stuff, Christmas stuff is organized on its own shelf, well within reach, and we tucked Bradys golf clubs up as well. I hate the ladder. Brady knows. So he “helped.” The way a man helps.

And guys, we CRUISED. The three of us worked until we all ached, and we got that whole stinking side cleared out 🥳

It wasn’t even a case of shoving everything to the side, either. We worked! It makes sense in there! Its a bit stacked over on the other side, sure, but things that belong together are grouped together. It is not hard to navigate it at all! And its all a lot more within reach. Of course there is still more to do, but if we didn’t move a single additional piece all winter, I am still totally happy with how it sits today.

Because 🙌 now the van can fit 💜

My family can be warm, and safe, and cared for 💜 Brady doesn’t have to fuss with trying to brush his van off in the mornings from his chair. Mission accomplished.

What a perfect way to spend a morning 💜 Thank you, Cher, for working SO hard this morning and doing most of the heavy lifting. And thank you, Brady, for bending your back for so long, working like a dog on your day off. If not for you guys, this place would still be completely unusable.

Praise the Lord for willing arms to carry loads. For a home that has all we need within it. And even a warm indoor space to provide ease to Brady every single morning. Praise the Lord for achy muscles soothed in a hot bath, and supper in bed 💜

That Random Photo Dump I Mentioned

Ok guys, here are some random pictures, giggles, memories, etc. all rolled into one post. Enjoy!

First – A GHOST!

And then some innocent darkness 😅

I took Rowan to parkour last week! It was honestly SO fun!

Wavy likes to practice writing on the boogie board, and the other day when she went to retrieve it, she found – ANOTHER GHOST!

This seems painful, but also, I laughed.

Ok, backstory to this food picture. Rowan doesn’t like chicken. Chicken breasts, specifically, since they’re a bit drier. I’m all for him having preferences but we like to eat chicken. So I’ve made it a bit of a mission to find chicken in a way that he likes. So I tried this the last time.

Boneless chicken thighs, fried in a pan, seasoned with salt, pepper, onion, and garlic. While he still really didn’t want to say he liked it, we agreed that this is a way he dislikes less and would willingly eat in the future. Boom! I’ll take it!

This was a morning where I was gifted a double time back scratch!

And an unrelated time when the kids found swimmies in the back of the bus and blew them up while we were out somewhere.

Out shopping, Laela saw this dish rack and exclaimed “This is all they used for a whole meal of dishes?!”

I sliced and bagged banana bread while I watched a murder show, as I tend to do. Oh and I drank coffee. A GHOST!

Aaaaand last but not least, we watched Despicable Me 4 as a family the other night, and ate corn dogs, lol! I even got a prized Beetlejuice Fanta from Cher 💜 ‘Twas delicious and a great end to the week.

It was a big week, but a good one, I believe. Brady is home tomorrow 💜 Happy long weekend, friends.

Dekker’s Lock-In

*The blog disaster is over for now. Thank you for being so patient and understanding. Onto the next*

Dekker went to his first ever lock-in with his youth group!! Last years lock-in fell on a weekend we couldn’t make, so he was VERY excited to finally get in on the fun!!

He came home this morning once the event was wrapped, insisting he was “not tired.” But it wasn’t long before…..

Note that his book is open to page one. Thats how far he made it into his book.

Its possible we had a little fun with him…..

He wasn’t especially impressed, but he wasn’t upset, so most of us enjoyed a good laugh lol! Dekker reluctantly went to his room to nap a little, but resurfaced soon after, insisting yet again that he was not tired.


This all felt very teenagery of him, and I’m not mad at it at all 😍 I am very fond of this boy, and I remember loving those youth events with every fibre of my being. I’m happy he’s in it now, enjoying them as well 💜

Happy first all-nighter, Dekker!! I can’t believe you’re at this point in your life already 💜 I’m SO happy for you.