So tomorrow is Waverly’s birthday. As usual, the post will be all about HER! Which is definitely as it should be.
Tomorrow is also a big day for other reasons. Radiation starts tomorrow. And chemotherapy starts tomorrow. I can’t believe we’re jumping into cancer treatment again. Some of that just feels so discouraging, I can’t even put it into words. But Brady completely agrees with me that it’s more of a frustrating hassle than something we fear. It’s just. Like. A BIG eye roll. So many things will be more challenging to say the least. No one is looking forward to the extra struggle we’ll endure this summer. Conveniently, God’s love and kindness are new every morning. Even this summer, when stuff sucks and everything feels difficult. His mercy doesn’t quit. So. Neither will we.

Cancer has taken enough from us already, so it won’t get to overshadow Wavy’s birthday. However, I plan to put a little reminder up on Facebook for those who would like to pray during his treatment 💜 That would sure mean a lot to us.
Tomorrow, we celebrate WAVERLY, and the fact that God brought her to us! Thank you, Lord!!!