We got our Laela back this weekend!!! She and Avery had an AWESOME time, but they were also very much missed by their families 💜

It was really nice to spend some good hot hours at the beach this weekend! We haven’t really gotten down there as much this season. It was so chilly for so long, and now its absolutely piping hot! So we couldn’t not!!! Though the air quality was less than ideal, we were still gung ho for the time at the beach with our dear Dahlsjos 💜

These two just crack me right up. They are SUCH a good pair!

Wavy got brave quick, and got up on the paddle board many times! She was kind of a rockstar on it, honestly! Super confident and balanced. She even took one of the other little guys out on some rides! Only dumped him off once 🤣

The kids swam. I sweat. We ate great food. The babies cried a lot. It was quite the weekend, haha! But it was lovely 💜 and we will happily be back again before long at all.
On the drive home, I crocheted 🥰 Brady drove. We drank iced coffee. It was peaceful. Except for the brief whooping from the backseat when Laela randomly lost a tooth that none of us knew was loose!

But we made it home in time to eat supper together, and then we went and picked up ice cream from our local ice cream stand who offered us some complimentary scoops in celebration of Brady getting his license reinstated! Isn’t that so incredibly lovely?? We thought so 💜
We are tucked in for the night. We are tired. Our AC works. We are grateful 💜 Thank you, Lord, for providing everything we need, and then lots of things that we don’t need, but that are lovely, also. It is not lost on us how fortunate we are 💜