Its been a very full day. I hesitate to even say its busy, because its not been too scrambly, but its been constant. This right here – blogging – is the second time I’ve sat. Once was to eat, and now, to blog. Definitely not complaining. Just been going and going! Here’s the play by play!
After a very short night 😩 I got up and got the kids to school. Once they were off for the day, I began packing up feeding/diaper bag and getting some things organized. When the morsel woke up, we did some breakfast while Wavy colored. After some food, the three of us loaded into the van and got going! We first dropped off a little door prize for a school event happening next week. That was a quick one. Then we left town!
We drove to the city and picked up a Facebook Marketplace purchase, and then made our way to an appointment. The hospital was HOPPIN’! Hopspital. Or, if you’re Wavy, hostible. But we found parking not too far away, and we made our way in. Everything was SO full, there was nowhere to sit to wait, but we got in right away.
After a fairly long, but super informative, appointment, we headed to the next place. I’ve become very well acquainted with the beautiful people at Nordon Medical to the point where I enjoy popping in. Its no longer an inconvenience to go in person. I actually prefer it. After some messy conversations yesterday, Nordon went to bat for me and got us what we needed. And man. If not for them, things likely wouldn’t have been resolved for weeks. I know I’m being vague. I wish I didn’t have to be. But what I can tell you is that this particular place invests in and advocates for its customers/clients. I feel SO well cared for there.
So I picked up a load of stuff there, and before I pulled out, I got a call from Zaks shipping department asking when they could drop off a load of materials for us. After 1:30, I told them, giving myself time to get home with a coffee and a little lunch for Wavy.
And I did! I got home, put the morsel down for a nap, unpacked the van, retrieved the unsleeping morsel, set up for a late lunch for the aforementioned morsel, and I believe I ate something in there briefly before a couple of goofy guys from Zaks showed up at my door. They did an awesome job and unloaded things the way Brady asked them to while Wavy got the door for them every time they entered the house. It was a cute little endeavour and now we are READY to build our pantry this weekend!! 💪

I spent the next while rearranging the kitchen to a thoroughly messy, disorganized state. It makes no sense in there. But it will. We just needed to move all the things that are over in the pantry area to the other side of the kitchen so we can actually build the pantry to finally hold the things. You get it. The moral of that portion of the story is actually that it is HARD having a bunch of kids and no pantry. Whew! I’m ready for that to be different!
As an aside, if anyone is in the market for a gas fireplace, we have one for sale! Or, we will. You get it. Its coming out. Which is a bummer, but we need that space way more than we need a fireplace.
Its going to be a full weekend, and I can say with confidence that both Brady and I are completely exhausted 😅 Thankfully, this kind of busyness is the kind we can rock in sweatpants, so we’re gonna. Sweats make everything better.
Have a happy Friday, guys 💜 Stay inside! I hear something wintery this way comes… ❄️