Last night, Cher, Brady and I ate our body weight in appies and started a movie. We didn’t make it to the halfway point before a couple of choice babies woke up to join us, and they were much more entertaining than the movie. We all lasted until maybe 11ish and that was it for the night for us! Hahaha! We are old people, and thats ok. While we had a really nice together, we really missed my mom 💔 She couldn’t join our new years festivities this year. We were all so disappointed. Its not a full party without Jeanne. We made do, however, and come hell or high water, she WILL be at the next one! 💜

So while MANY of our people made it to midnight, we did not, lol! We were asleep very shortly after Cher headed out and the babies went down.
Upon waking up for the day, we faced the reality that our plans over the next few days were cancelled. Sad stuff when things like that change over the holidays. Everyone was discouraged, but our kids rallied better than neither Brady nor I expected, and we actually *gasp* took 👏 down 👏 Christmas! 😳 I know. Who even are we?!?! We NEVER take Christmas down this early! But we have big things this month and lots to do before those big things actually take shape! So Christmas came down. The house was vacuumed. Some kids tidied in their rooms and closets. And then we lunched ourselves with party mix and Christmas oranges. It has been a lovely, productive day 💜
And it doesn’t end there! After this blog, I’m going to start actually picking away at PACKING! Isn’t that nuts?! Where does a person even start?? I’m probably going to have a lot of questions in the coming stretch, but I’ll do my best to know my own answers, haha! I have some furniture to get rid of, and I’m on the hunt for some items to help the kids rooms make sense for them. But that’ll probably be another blog.
All of this to say, HAPPY NEW YEAR. It sure seems that 2024 is going to hold some big things, at least for our family! I hope it holds nothing but the best for you and yours 💜