A Different Schedule This Weekend

I want to say that I’m happy its Friday, and I am, but not as happy as I am some other weekends, haha! Brady works this Saturday, which is always a bit of a buzzkill :/ It changes our lake time significantly. However, we will still have an absolute BLAST! Maybe even more so than usual!

Tomorrow is Chers birthday! So I’ll see her a bit in the day, and then she’ll enjoy the rest of her day in some fun ways that she’s planned πŸ’œ I’m not going to blast all of her plans.

Our family will come up quite late on Saturday evening. Because we cannot bear to sleep at home when we could be sleeping at the lake!

Sunday, both Cher and my mom will be with us πŸ’œ Plus our dear Dahlsjos. What an incredible group of people to have all in one place! In OUR place! Our precious lake spot!

The weather is even supposed to be beautiful β˜€οΈ I can’t wait!

Sunday afternoon, however, we’ll lose Mr. Dekker to robotics camp, for which he is SO excited!!!

Off I go! Time to tie up as many loose ends as I can before tomorrow! Which, conveniently, isn’t too many! Yesterday and today aren’t insane days, and tomorrow will also be pretty chill, I believe! I’m grateful we made it smoothly through the BIG days, and that we have some slower days to enjoy afterwards.

Happy Friday, friends! πŸ’œ

Yesterdays Whirlwind

As I mentioned yesterday, I took all the kids to a morning appointment, then back home for lunch, and then back into the city. We were in the city from about 3:30-6:30, killing a lot of time and trying to be at least somewhat productive. I’ve been really trying to wrap up the whole school supplies thing ahead of time this year, and I’m SO CLOSE! If any of my keener friends are hitting up/ordering from Staples anytime soon, can I please add something super tiny to your order? Cannot justify driving in for such a tiny thing, but I can get it myself in the future as well πŸ˜… I’m just so eager to wipe this slate clean and not worry about school supplies anymore!

We perused Walmart for a good hour, getting some missed supplies and VERY little else of what we came for. Merp. But that was alright. We still got a few groceries, and even ran into a friend. It was cute but also total chaos. These kids have not been in stores enough since covid killed all of our family grocery shopping fun. Its like herding cats. Especially with Wavy! Whew! That one is just positively buzzing!

Anyway. The joy of all the action and everyone being super hyper was that they slept well and woke up pretty happy πŸ’œ

I LOVE when they wake up happy πŸ’œ

Two of the kids were off for the morning. It felt oddly peaceful to be down to four, but I was not complaining! I had a coffee and planning date with Cher, and now I’m doing a little bit more planning with Brady via text. Meals for camp and such. Our weekend is a bit out of order this time around, thanks to a Saturday at work, but we’re making it work! Just shifting some things around πŸ™‚ Still easy.

I’m looking forward to the weekend. And I’m also anticipating a day or two FREE of appointments, starting today! Still lots to do, but with fewer deadlines.

Still hoping for a family walk this evening πŸ’œ That would be really nice.

The First Time in a While

Today I brought ALL of the kids to the doctor!! Thankfully, only two of them were actually being seen, but I had six in tow! Its been a long time since I took all five to the doctor, much less six! Hahaha! It was pretty cute, though. I think the waiting room was a lot quieter before we got there, but no one seemed put off.

When we all went into the exam room, the person who walked us back there was wide-eyed, but had a big smile on. She kept saying “This is so great!” I liked it, hahaha!

Dr. Guselle ran a bit behind, but I never mind that, because she doesn’t rush her patients. She takes all the time they need, and we receive that same care, if not more so than average. So we happily wait our turn, however late it may be, knowing we will get to ask every question, explain everything thoroughly, and enjoy a bit of banter. We love her.

She came in and seemed SO pleased to see absolutely everyone!

As hard as I worked, it was not our quietest appointment, but we got through it pretty simply. Rowan and Solomon were the patients today, so Dr. Guselle asked them a host of questions about their general health, as well as checked up on their medication and how they were doing on it. What was easier. What could use some improvement. Things like that. Everyone’s height and weight were good. Bathroom stuff good. No big pains or struggles. Everything checked out, and we left with an updated prescription, as well as some ultrasound forms for some swollen lymph nodes that have stayed swollen longer than any of us appreciate. Other than that, things are going swimmingly with the middle boys!

We left our personal sauna of an exam room after asking every single one of our questions and taking away any semblance of a lunch break our doctor may have had. She still managed to catch me and say some really kind things as the kids ran ahead. She is so lovely.

The morning was a whirlwind but we made it! Back home we went for lunch and a one hour rest before we head back into the city!! If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a hundred times – never a shortage of things to do!

My Soft Children

I just wanted to post some beautiful pictures of some of my children from last night πŸ’œ A couple quick pictures just really really turned out and I want to remember them.

A rare calm moment with Solomon. Isn’t he gorgeous here? I so rarely see his face without glasses these days, and when I do, its just a different level of softness πŸ’œ My little snuggly boy, all wrapped up in one of my best blankets. I love this picture.

And then us girlies πŸ’œ

I went to tuck them in for night, and it was later in the day, so everyone went down at the same time, which rarely happens. Wavy insisted I climb in with her, and Laela joined the cuddle πŸ’œ I’m not sure all three of us have ever been in Wavy’s bed at once, but I loved it!! Wavy had both of us in a death grip and the flash was a shock, but it is SUCH a nice picture πŸ’œ

Tucking kids in and getting them up every morning are my chances to get intentional face time with each child, and I really love those times. I really, really love these children πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ

A Quiet Moment

Now that I’m typing this, it’s going to end. But I’m going to risk it…

Currently, three children are napping. One is sleeping. Two are at least very quiet in their rooms. I couldn’t say for sure.

I can hear a baby swing whirring, with a jingly toy slowly circling above.

Lego is clicking. Book pages are turning.

Laundry is being sorted and folded.

And I suppose my keys are clicking, also.

It is SO peaceful for the moment. There is still much to do, but for the moment, I am grateful for this quiet break in the day.

The morning contained coffee and visits.

Then lunch.

Then a handful of important phone calls.

A little bit of worrying. A little bit of scrolling. A lot of trying to keep things straight and level.

And after naps, I’ll load up all the kids into the van and head to the next thing!

Is it bedtime yet?


You know what I mean. Those beautiful grey days. We had a glorious one today at the lake. While I LOVE the hot hot summer days, and being warm to the core, I also love fall camping. I’m not entirely ready for it to take over the summer season just yet, but there are so many nice things about fall camping, and a big one is really soaking up the fires, drinking coffee, fewer bugs, etc.

Today was gloomy, but SO lovely, so I’m dubbing it gloomiful.

See what I’m saying?

I got up for the day and found my dear Avery and Jaxon setting up the campsite for our weekly smorning date. Jaxon does chairs and Avery builds the fire. They have a system.

Don’t worry, Avery waits until I’m up before she starts the fire πŸ’œ

Our kids were up shortly thereafter and as usual, there was a warm reception. I LOVE the dynamic between our two families.

The rest of the morning was spent sipping coffee around the fire.

We relaxed, and stoked the fire for hours. The kids must’ve hauled five loads of wood in our big wagon by the end of the day. It was positively awesome. I loved the day.

All this to say, it was a busier weekend at the campground, and the beach wasn’t as relaxing as it usually is. But the campsite sure was, and I will take no issue πŸ’œ There will be many days left in the season to spend in and on the water.

Tomorrow begins yet another big week for our family. Four appointments. Three meetings. At least one important phone call. Hosting one supper guest and being supper guests another night. A work Saturday and a very important birthday! Aaaaand being in total limbo in a few other ways that should potentially resolve this week πŸ˜… If you are the praying kind, please offer one up in the name of our family!

Happy Sunday, everyone πŸ’œ Welcome to the week!

A Beautiful Day in Photos

It has been a beautiful day of friends, food, and fun. Crocheting by the fire. Playing with a baby. Listening to Brady play guitar. Shivering by the water. Napping. Online shopping. Cooking over the fire. It’s been lovely. 

I cannot, and will not, complain about this day.Β 

Thank you Lord for this place, and all you’ve given us. You continue to carry us through. 

Veggie Heavy

I prepped for camp today, among other things. Much was already done. Four of the kids had packed their things already. One needed a bit of help, and one is entirely dependent on me πŸ˜‚ So we got the last of the kiddos packed up, and started to tie up the loose ends. 

I’ve begun over preparing with the food. Really, I think I’m actually just preparing for every meal really well, but we’ve started sharing many meals with the Dahlsjos, so we share food, and the amounts fluctuate depending on which kid from which family prefers what food. Lately, they have invited us to have Saturday supper with them, and it’s grown into a really lovely tradition! In turn, we have all the kids at our camper the next morning for s’mores for breakfast πŸ˜… It hardly compares, but it’s a really lovely system and we are so grateful for the routine we’ve struck. 

Todays prep held a mountain of chopping. It’s a very veggie heavy weekend!! 

I prepared for chunky chicken salads, potato packs in the fire, and broccoli salad. And cold veggies at lunch like always. So much food!! I’m excited to eat it ALL. Outside. With friends and family. 

Thank you Lord for all You provide for us, your children. We are endlessly grateful πŸ’œ 

The Big Kids and their Pixels

A few of our kids are invested in Minecraft. Not at home. They don’t have things for that at home, haha! But they play it at school, and they really enjoy it. Dekker more than everyone, and Laela is a solid second. So there is LOTS of Minecraft talk in our house, mostly about what to put in houses Dekker builds, and projects like that. It’s fun, and creative, so I don’t mind it. But I also don’t understand most of it.

Part of why I’m cool with all the Minecraft talk is the art that its brought into the house! The kids draw on graph paper now! I used to do that, too, and I LOVED it! I still use it to draw out crochet patterns and there is just something different about it. It thrills my heart at a totally nerdy level. The kids art started by making cool blocky characters modelled after Minecraft characters. Then, Dekker began planning buildings, counting blocks and making rooms. He spent a LOT of time building an accessible house on Minecraft, considering the widths of the doorways and hallways. It was ADORABLE. Dekker still works on houses and structures, but the whole thing has developed into pixel art, and its so fun! Dekker will draw out food, characters, animals, etc. He’ll copy them off of a google image and color them in for his wall of fame.

I’m telling you a lot about their art, and I don’t have a ton of pictures of it at the moment, sorry to say. But what prompted this post was Laela’s art from yesterday. What I LOVED about it was that it was completely from her brain!!! No looking at other pictures or snagging ideas. She just went for it. And it is AWESOME.

So is this or is this not SO COOL?! The hardest part to figure out is the words. It says “Its McDonald!” Hahaha! She told me she ran out of room and didn’t want the last “s” to be on its own row, so she just went with it. I like that about her. It didn’t have to be perfect. But its pretty stinking close, if you ask me!

I love the drink, with the m’s. I love the burger, because she is most proud of that, and how the lettuce and tomato came together. And the fries are so great, too, even though she chuckled at her weird “m” on the side of the container.

Her sign off even had hearts with arrows πŸ’˜ She is SO stinking cute.

Anyway. Minecraft. I’ve enjoyed some of the fun developmental stuff thats come with it. Does anyone know if there is some kind of handheld Minecraft game? Like. A gameboy. I know, I’m dating myself here. But, does that exist? Help a mom out here, guys.

Getting Ready for School

Yesterday evening, after an incredibly busy and draining day, Brady and I took the kids to Walmart to buy school shoes. I’m bad for procrastinating until the end of summer to get school stuff, but then there is virtually nothing left on the shelves! So I’m trying to nail it all down earlier this summer, and shoes are a big part of that! The rest can be ordered online, but I prefer to do shoes in person.

We shoed everyone appropriately, and now today, I’m making up the lists of what’s left to acquire before September. Its not too much, but its for five children, so it is more than average, I’m sure πŸ˜… But I’ve already gone through what we already have here, so I’m eager to fill in the gaps and be 100% ready ahead of time!

I’ve built a big Staples list, and I’m going to try to nail down the other things on Amazon before the end of the morning. And then I’ll lunch everyone. And then I have to run to the city, and linger there for a little bit. Cher is going to join, and she tends to bring the party, so that’ll be a win πŸ™‚

And we’ll see what the evening holds. There is no shortage of things over here. Prepping for camp. Separate camp for different kids. Getting organized for three appointments tomorrow. And ALL the other things swirling around over here πŸ˜…

Thank God for God. I’m not sure what we’d do without Him. His mercy is boundless.