I have a running list on a whiteboard in my kitchen. The multitudes of sticky notes on the island were going to be the death of me, so rather we bit the bullet and stuck this thing to the wall. It goes against Brady’s grain to put adhesive on the wall, because contracting and drywall and patching and painting and resale and all that stuff. But. Sometimes you just have to. So we did it, and it was a good decision because I used it every single day.
This is how it looks today.

This will not all get done today. I’m not crazy. There is no way. But some things will. And I can take a bite out of some parts of it.
From the top…
Printing Dekkers picture and a card. Those are not immediate needs at all, but they’ve been on the list for a long time and I really should do it! I even have the good printer for it!
Foster expense forms. We are super behind on expensing out extras to the ministry, ie: gas, prescriptions, etc. We haven’t expensed before and I hear the new forms are a nightmare so I think Brady and I are both pretty intimidated by them.
Finish school supplies. I’m SO close to done!! I just need to gather the last three items from a willing friend who picked them up, label them, and stuff things in backpacks. And I’m DONE and ready for September!
Bedroom tidy. This is an arbitrary task because every week when we get home from the lake, my room is TRASHED. No one is mad about it except me. Our en suite is also a total mess. Now that we have our foster babe, our room holds a lot more stuff, and some of our other stuff needs to take a hike. The clutter has officially been highlighted. I see you, mess. And I don’t like you. I’m almost done with you.
Lightbulbs. This isn’t anything big. We have a few burnt out. Specifically one in the girls room, and all of them in the little hallway by the main bathroom. Just need to replace them.
Book tests. Both middle boys need ultrasounds on their lymph nodes. But the place I was referred to doesn’t offer that kind of test anymore. So I have to call around and see if another place will accept a requisition with a different business listed.
Replace ball catch. One of the ones on our pantry doors busted last week. Thats a Brady thing. Its not urgent, but I don’t want it to sit forever so its on the list.
Mow. The front yard is rough.
Water plants. Another easy one. Just need to water indoor plants.
Water jug needs refilling.
Raspberries need picking.
August calendar needs filling in! I really like having my calendar written up with pretty colors, stickers, etc. It helps me stay sane, and it gives the kids access to knowing whats up in the day, upcoming birthdays, etc. I’ve been using our calendar this way since January and it hasn’t petered out at all. We all really like it! They’ve been such busy months, and its really really helped.
Beyond this list, there is still basic life stuff. Baths today. Dishes. Laundry. Meals. And then playing and chatting and music and fun!
I hope the stormy weather actually comes along. That would be SUCH a nice touch!