Once the kids were down for the night, Brady and I had the pleasure of taking in the new year with my mom and Cher 💜 We’ve built a bit of a tradition in the previous years, and while it may not always actually fall on new years eve, we spend an evening together, eating far too much really good food and enjoying each others company!
We had big plans for games and silliness but absolutely every single one of us was wiped. So we opted for good food and movies. We watched “Now You See Me” and “The Heat.”

Appies meant mushroom caps, mozza sticks, wings, chicken skewers, steak skewers, shrimp, and breadsticks. And dip. And sangria.

We were up WAY later than a person actually needs to be up, but it happens but once a year! Sometimes not even once 😅 But we made it!!! My mom went home, and Cher spent the night.
We got up around 9:00 to a beautiful sunrise and a quiet house.

Pictures really don’t do it justice. You’ll have to take my word for it. It was beautiful view on the first day of a fresh new year!
Well. It appears Christmas is over.

And the countdown to summer has begun.