I joined a crochet along project a while back, and last night I finished the final section!! Ack! I can’t resist showing you! Eek!

Of course the whole border is still needing to happen, and that will most definitely take more than one day. But that will be released on the weekend, and I’ll get to it eventually. I’m excited to show you the whole thing!!!
Meanwhile, I have another project on the go – a “just for me” project – and then my queue is open for whoever needs 🙂 Speak now, folks!
On a completely unrelated note, Wavy’s hair is getting SO LONG! Look at this precious little girl! 💜

I am a very big fan of her!!
Stay warm today, friends! It is BRUTALLY cold out! But thats winter for all you summer-haters. Good thing I can make myself a bunch of extra warm lovely things over here so I don’t freeze to death!