Every time there is a school event, I’ve been hit with a pretty overwhelming sense of gratefulness that we have some of that normal stuff back. Simple things like entering the school were taken away from parents for a time, which was really hard. I KNOW the staff did their absolutely BEST with what they had to work with, and I am so thankful! But I am SO happy to be back in the school, doing all the normal stuff.
The Christmas concerts brought me to that place again – overwhelmed and happy and proud of my children, as well as the other staff and students involved in putting these beautiful productions together.
I’m sad to not share many pictures, but I imagine the parents who intentionally don’t put their kids on the internet would appreciate it. You’ll just have to take my word for it when I say they were SO cute.
I’ll start with Waverly’s class, because it was first.
Wavy’s cute little class sang and recited a few little numbers, including some sign language to go along with “Away in a Manger.” They closed with a rousing “We Wish You a Merry Christmas.” It was VERY cute. The last preschool Christmas I was able to attend was Laela’s, so its been a while. I felt so proud of Wavy, and she stood in her spot, recited every word, and did the actions. She didn’t freeze up, and she followed the directions. Then, Wavy’s teacher gave all the kids a gift, and we all went to the gym for snacks and a lot of running around. Snaction. We sat with friends and had a really nice visit. It was a good morning!

We went home and had lunch before heading back out to the elementary school to line up for the afternoon showing of their Christmas program. It was FRIGID out there. I yanked Waverly’s toque over her face and she did not object.

We froze, but we got good seats 🙂 Once we got out of our cold jackets, we started to warm up and settle in. Even got to see Dekker before it all began. He ran the spotlight and took it very seriously!

The grade six kids ran the whole production, and the other classes filed in and out, singing cute songs that they had clearly worked very hard on!!
Solly’s class rocked “Frosty the Snowman,” all decked out in comfy winter hats and scarves. Sol opted for a pink and grey infinity scarf that I made a couple of years ago, hahaha! It was really funny. He struck a very crusty pose in the front row, arms crossed, belly out, but he sang along to every word. Brady and I laughed SO HARD.
Rowan’s had to be my favorite. They did Mariah Carey’s “Baby Please Come Home” with choreographed dance moves and all. It was SO FUNNY and SO CUTE. Rowan wore a concerned expression the entire time, but he diligently sang every word and participated in every move. I was SO impressed!! There has been some cool change in Rowan recently that I haven’t discussed on here yet, but I kid you not – a few weeks ago, he would NOT have cooperated so smoothly with all of this! I was also really happy to see that Ro was placed beside two of his closest friends, so that is always helpful and just an extra thoughtful thing I felt like his teacher did for him, and probably other kids.
Laela’s class did “Carol of the Bells” which I thought was kind of awesome, and an unlikely choice! I’ve never heard it sang so clearly, and by children! They did great, and Laela once again sang every word and followed along really smoothly. You could tell on her face that she was taking it really seriously, nodding along with every diiiiing, donnnnng, and that she was really proud of herself. She also got to stand beside her closest friend! A very nice touch! Thank you, teachers, for reading that so well and letting kids be with their people!

The program wrapped up with the whole school singing a song or two together, as it always has. This year, they actually closed the program with a song by our family’s favorite band, Walk off the Earth, called “We Got Love.” And I’ll admit, it got me all teary eyed, hearing them sing a well-loved song, arms around one another, all together in a group 💜 It just felt like a “we have arrived” moment, you know? Like, we’re baaaaack! Finally!
I was so proud of each child individually, for knowing the words, doing the actions, and following along with their teacher and fellow students. No one froze or acted out. Everyone participated happily 💜 It did goooood things for my heart!
When the concert wrapped up, Dekker came to find us right away, and asked if he could poach Wavy. So he did, and I found him showing her how to point the spotlight at the back. It was awesome. I love how much he loves her.

I don’t know, guys. I don’t know if this year was actually SO much better than others, or if I was just SO happy to have everything back to “normal” but it was an amazing season of Christmas plays. It lifted my heart. I bet lots of you can relate to that feeling 💜 Good job, everyone!!!