We not-to-delicately visited Brady at work yesterday. Zak’s had a cute fall setup just outside their building with a bale maze, a sand pit, and a big inflatable bouncy house with a slide. I keep forgetting about this setup and finally, its the end of the line and if we wanted to go, it needed to happen now. So I picked the kids up after school and we headed off to Brady’s work!

Bradys work is really beautiful. They love when the families come in. They love the kids. They treat their people really well. Brady knew we were coming so he was totally comfortable clocking out for fifteen to come play with us! After he wrapped up that one email, anyway 😆

Believe it or not, I did pep talk the kids before we went in, and they did good, but it was also like herding cats. Everyone was super lovely, though, chatting with us and making everyone feel welcome 💜
We finally made our way over to the fun, and the kids got right into it! They were wilder than I’ve seen in a good while, but they had the place to themselves so we just let them at it! It was really, really nice to see Brady mid-day, also 💜 I think I say to him every day that I really miss having him at home, but I am SO happy he loves his job so much. There probably couldn’t be a better fit for our family.
When we were done jumping/running/racing/digging/yelling, I made them take a picture. I promise they had fun, hahaha! They were exhausted and sweaty. It was awesome.

We had a LOT of fun! Once we finished outside, the kids discovered the structure inside, so they did that for a few minutes while I perused the housewares. Then we ran into an employee who we’ve met once or twice, and we chatted for probably ten minutes or so until an actual paying customer needed help, lol! At that point, Brady only had about ten minutes left of work, so we waited in the van a little longer for him. Aaaaand then we got McDonalds, which was a HUGE treat for ALL of us. Its nice to not cook sometimes, haha!
Our run to Zak’s was a great success. The kids got picked up from school. They got out of homework. They got to play. We all got to see Brady sooner than usual. We got to chat with new people. We got to play and jump and run somewhere new. We got to eat treat food, and no one had to cook. And we still got home with time to play.
I am so grateful 💜