I cannot believe my baby girl is nine. Wasn’t she JUST born?? No. Thats right. I just remember that day incredibly vividly. She is indeed aging and growing and changing and I’m not ready.

Oof. The difference between the first and last picture are HUGE.
Laela has matured greatly in this last year. It is unreal. Sometimes it hurts me to see it all, because I know a large part of her growing and changing has come with our time of struggle, and her deep desire to save me and make life easier for those around her, at her own expense. But the other side of me is incredibly proud of her beautiful qualities and her empathy and care for her people. I’ve worked to embrace her help and willingness while simultaneously actively praying that she remains the kid she is and that she doesn’t lose her childhood in the midst of all the change in our lives. I trust God with Laela.
Laela puts into her people so well. Far above her years, in my opinion. She offers to make supper when she sees a need. Puts Wavy down for naps. Helps her take a bath. She cleans without being asked. I even found her helping wipe a bum the other day. She is on it.

She is still being terribly cute with the boy she likes, loyal to her Jaxon, picking him flowers on occasion, going for bike rides, and planning to be a farmers wife 💜 They’re so cute lol!

She has excellent women to be close to who put into her and value her and teach her about what a strong capable warm woman looks like 💜 Grandma and Auntie love her, and are deeply loved by her.

I wish I had a picture of her with Rae 💜 Yet another strong, hard working woman in her life who loves her!
Tom is her strong male influence outside of her dad 💜 She loves to wrestle with Tom, and he will absolutely throw her around and be that person for her, while also being so soft and loving. She is NOT lacking in love in this category whatsoever! We are deeply grateful for our people who love our children and put into them without guilt or expectation!
Laela has proven to be someone who LOVES animals, and is not timid in the slightest!
Rory can lick her and jump a little, and Laela doesn’t flinch, but rather gently corrects her and loves her up!

She is braver with gross things that I ever was or ever will be, hahaha! She loves to catch frogs!

She is simply top notch. Growing so incredibly fast. She has big goals, and I am so excited to see her ride them out! She is loved by all, it seems, and she fits in everywhere 💜 She can be very quiet, and read for hours on end, and she can be super rowdy and silly and play pretend. Dare I say, my Laela Hazel has hit the sweet spot! 💜 Stay here just a little longer, Miss Laela. There is no reason to rush.

Sweet girly, you entered the world with a bang, and I felt strongly that you were going to shake things up. And that you have! But there is so much more to come, and I am honoured to be your mom and to be close to you! I pray regularly that I do right by you, and that God guides me as your mom, to know what you need along the way.
May the Lord bless you and keep you, Laela. Maybe His face shine upon you, and be gracious, and give you peace.
Happy birthday, beautiful Laela. I love you more than you know.