I didn’t sleep much last night. Hardly at all, in fact. I got maybe about 2.5 hours. It was rough. Brady got the kids up and outside for breakfast so I could doze a little bit more, which was very loving 💜 After about a half hour, however, I could hear the rain starting. And if you haven’t heard, I’m a sucker for rain. So I dragged myself out of bed and made my way outside.
I was outside for moments before Dekker showed up and asked if he could walk down to the water. When I confirmed his request in the midst of my foggy head, he corrected me and said he was asking if I wanted to walk down to the water with him.
Now. Dekker doesn’t like rain very much at all. In fact he is somewhat opposed to rain. But he knows I love it. So I got up from my chair just as fast as I had sat down in it, and we walked.

It was a REALLY nice walk. It began as just a walk to the water. We examined the dock, and the boat lift that had broken. We speculated what kind of boat our family would ideally get, and what kind of boat Dekker would choose for himself. We saw a loon very close up. It was just an all around nice time together.

Dekker didn’t want to go right back to our site. He wanted to keep walking despite the rain picking up. I was so game. We walked the loops up the hill, picking up some cans, chatting about the flowers, campers, and our friends who were and weren’t here yet.

We were out for a good while, and I can safely say we both really enjoyed ourselves.

I hope he asks me again 💜