Today we celebrate SIX years with our littlest guy, Solomon. Solly. Sol. Wolly. Smalls. Smally. Tally. You name it, he comes.
This kid was absolutely gorgeous from the get-go!

And he has remained that way 💜 His last year has been particularly lovely, as he has grown and changed so much. Yet his undeniable happiness has not changed in the slightest.

Solly has been in kindergarten this year, and he has really enjoyed it! He loves his friends and his teacher, and he is VERY proud of writing his own name. My favorite thing he’s brought home to date is this journal entry!

I’ll save you a minute. The thing he loves most about Spring is “eating vegetables at camp.” I thought this was terribly cute!
Some days are trickier than others, but Sol is more and more inclined to run ahead with his siblings, get involved in the game, or participate in pictures. I think kindergarten has been GREAT for that!

These types of things were like pulling teeth not all that long ago, so this feels victorious for us, and for Solomon.
Speaking of teeth, he has lost his two bottom ones 🙂 The second one having just happened last weekend at camp, while eating a s’more!
When they came up with Captain Obvious, they had Solly in mind. He makes all his observations loudly, and had no concept of wit or sarcasm. Its actually quite a riot talking to him. You should all try it sometime.
Solly loves biking, George Ezras song “Shotgun,” and fleece onesies.
Wavy and I walked the kids to school this morning.

As we walked past the houses, the kids friends shouted greetings at them, and Solly replied to everyone “HEYITSMYBIRTHDAYTODAY!” So its safe to say he is into it!
Solly’s supper of choice is waffles. So waffles we will have!
Solomon Brady, you are a true delight to be around. I am SO grateful God gave you to us those six years ago. What an incredible birth you had 💜 I’m looking forward to SO MANY MORE years with you, Sol!

I love you and I like you!!