Another Kid-Free Day

We were gifted yet another kid-free day at home. They once again spent the day across the street with our dear friends, baking cookies, playing inside and outside, eating yummy food, and everything else that goes on over there. Meanwhile, Brady did woodworking out in the garage, I crocheted upstairs, and Cher worked on school stuff downstairs. The house was so quiet, and we all really liked it.

None of us were just relaxing. We were all working hard at our things. Yet I’m suspecting there won’t be too many days left this year where we just sit and breathe! So I’m soaking in the moments that feel a little bit more restful 🙂 A day of just crocheting felt great 💜And I am so grateful for our willing people who happily ask to take the kids for the day.

Conveniently, I made a really yummy supper today for the three of us left at home, and I made enough for everyone! So tomorrows supper is already made! Cha-ching!

Where You’ll Find Me

This has been my recent hangout.

Yes, its as cozy as it looks, but its possibly less relaxed than it looks. I don’t want to say I’m overwhelmed with all I have left to do, but I can say I don’t have a lot of extra time or energy, so I’m having to be intentional with time spent and rest taken. Ask anyone around me. I don’t do much outside of the house at this point. Not a lot of recreational time spent.

I still have some organizing to do of details for the upcoming season. I have a few more gifts to buy which I hope to be organized enough to pick up all in one shop. I have some crocheting to finish up that is definitely doable, as long as I keep my head down and work diligently. I have delegated when I can and let a few things go 💜 Thats been hard. But its happened, and I’m grateful for it. I still need to get in touch with the people participating in the homemade gift exchange and make sure everything is getting where it needs to. I need to wash up a few things we’ve purchased second hand for the kids, and tie up some little loose ends here and there as needed.

It is all doable. We have two weeks.

So if you can’t find me, check my room first, or under any pile of yarn you can find.

My Oldest

My heart was filled with joy yesterday. I am so overwhelmingly proud of Dekker. He is breaking trail in the most beautiful ways.

It snowed for a good few hours yesterday. It wasn’t especially cold, so it wasn’t miserable out. Once the kids were home from school, I asked Dekker if he would be willing to shovel our sidewalk. He was absolutely willing, partly because of his beautiful heart, and partly because of our exciting shovel 😆 On our local garage sale day in spring, we picked up the worlds oldest snow throwing shovel for a cool $3 😎Dekker played with it the other day, and got a kick out of it. He is a very official kind of guy, so when I asked him if he would shovel the sidewalk, he inquired, “Uuuh, with the Turbo Shovel?” Yes, with the Turbo Shovel. And he was GONE.

It took a little figuring to get it moving. Its pretty rattly, so either there’s a rock in it or its a little broken. But I bonked it on the concrete a couple of times, and we got it working!

Once he got into the swing of it, he was totally happy. I had mentioned that it would be nice to shovel for others, so as soon as he was done our sidewalk, he made his way over across the street to Tom and Rae’s.

Guys. Nothing thrills my heart more.

He was in no rush either. He worked consistently and did his very best. Sure, he just blew all the snow onto the street, which isn’t ideal, but he was in a groove and I had zero plans to go correct him. Maybe next time I’ll direct him, but this was too good!

He ran home in between because he had run out of cord. Most of our cords are tied up in Brady’s tools, but we found him a little bit more length and he ran back to finish the job to the best of his ability.

It. Was. TOO. CUTE.

He came home very happily, and put his stuff away nicely. He came back into the house and changed out of his wet jeans. And then he snuggled in to read until supper. He didn’t toot his own horn or make a big show of what he had done. He just did a loving thing and moved forward, not worried if any of us had seen or if he had been praised up. He didn’t do it for show. He did it to be loving.

Its important to learn that we do good things from our hearts, not from our heads. We don’t do them for praise, but to be good people. We don’t do them for people, but for God. I learned this a harder way as a child, through disappointment and tears. I am beyond grateful that my children can learn it in a beautiful way, and to be met with love and acknowledgement.

Thank you, Dekker, for being such a willing boy, and for teaching your siblings beautiful things! 💜

T’was the Night Before Finals – Cher Edition

T’was the night before finals,

And all through the college,

The students were cramming

For last minute knowledge.

Most were quite grumpy,

With emotions of dread,

While visions of essays

Danced in their heads.

Out in the hallways,

A few were still drinking,

And hoping that coffee

Would get their brains thinking.

In my best friends’ house,

I had been pacing,

Dreading all those exams

I soon would be facing.

My best friend was busy,

Her hands using hooks,

And my comments to her

Drew concerned looks.

I drained the old coffee,

And brewed a new pot,

No longer caring

That my nerves were ALL shot.

I stared at my notes,

But my thoughts were all muddy,

My eyes went a’blur,

I just couldn’t study.

“Some pizza might help,”

I mentioned acquiver,

But each place I called

Refused to deliver.

I’d pretty much concluded

Life was just cruel,

Since our futures all depend

On grades earned in school.

When all of a sudden,

The door opened wide,

And Patron Saint Put-It-Off

Ambled inside.

Her spirit was careless,

Her manner was mellow,

She looked at the mess

And started to bellow:

“Why should us students

Make such a fuss,

About what those professors

Toss out to us?”

“On Cliff Notes! On Crib Notes!

On Last Year’s Exams!

On Wingit and Slingit,

And Last Minute Crams!”

Her message delivered,

She vanished from sight,

But we heard her laughing

Outside in the night.

“Your teachers won’t flunk you,

So just do your best.

Happy Finals to All,

And to All, a good test.”

My New Hooks

You might remember, and you might not, but around my birthday I was flip flopping between buying myself a yarn winder or a particular set of crochet hooks. The hooks were $100 out of Michaels, so I was waiting for one of those trust 40% off coupons to come around and make them a more viable option, but when it didn’t, I got antsy and chose the ball winder.

I was right. This thing has made my yarn WAY tidier and I’m really happy with my choice.

That being said, I’ve crocheted a ton this year, probably more than ever, and I’ve began looking back towards the new hooks. Christmas is coming, you know.

When I looked really good and close at the set I’ve been eyeballing, I realized that, besides the soft ergonomic handles, I had all the same sizes. They were pretty much exactly what I had, but WAY more money. I had hoped for a winder range of sizes, and was disappointed to see they didn’t go any bigger than the set I was using.

So I ventured over the Amazon to see what I could see, and I came across THESE! 🙌

This hook set came with fourteen hooks, ranging from 2mm – 10mm. My previous hook set carried up to 6mm size, and then I had one hook that is a size 11mm. Could this set be more perfect??

Actually, they can be more perfect. Know how? They were only $20!!!

Something I didn’t really anticipate about having these soft grippy handles was that I naturally hold them WAY looser! I didn’t realize how tightly I held my regular aluminum hooks until I realized I hadn’t have to tighten any muscles to keep these in hand!

I want everyone I know who crochets to own these. Buy them here! No kickbacks for me, I promise. Just buy them, because they are SO much more comfy! I almost want to buy a second set to keep in the van because, as you know, I crochet everywhere.

I’m excited enough about these that the kids still thank Jesus for them when they pray before bed. They’re a big deal.

Sans Kids Saturday

We were given the lovely gift of a kid-free Saturday this past weekend. That is always a win, not only because we get uninterrupted time at home for working on projects, we can listen to whatever music we’d like, watch any show, and not referee anyone. Its hugely restful.

Meanwhile, the kids are fortunate to have face time with people outside of their home who love them, care about them, and do things with them! Fresh attention! So its really a gift for our whole family 💜

While the kids were away decorating a tree, baking, and playing, our home was silent. Lol!

Brady worked on a project. Go follow his ICS Insta if you’re not already to see more about it! 😏 Shameless plug.

Cher studied and did schoolwork. Finals are just around the corner!! Ack!

And I worked on a blanket that needs to be done before Christmas! I may have grey hair by the end of this one!

The three of us would text from time to time, updating one another or asking questions. It was fun being together apart. We all got a lot done 🙂

Aaaaall because people offered to take our kids for the day. 💜 What a HUGE gift. Thank you again, Tom and Rae.

The Kids and The Grinch

We had a VERY special evening last week 💜 My mom brought Pizza Hut for the whole group of us, we set up downstairs, and we all watched the original How The Grinch Stole Christmas. It. Was. Beautiful.

We relate Wavy to Cindy Lou Who, and yesterday it was just bang on perfection!!

Waverly would see her on the screen and announce “Thats me!”

It may be a bit of a tight area for all of us but it was cozy and lovely and SO deeply enjoyable for everyone! I can confirm that its always a way to save money because you’d better believe they would all rather watch than eat, haha! It was a new concept, and they all truly loved it. It warmed my heart to have our whole gang together this way, doing something special together.

It may seem small, but most extra still feels like too much for me, so small still counts.

Bottom line. Everyone was happy. My heart is full.

Chemo Round Seven

Apparently Brady’s round of chemotherapy was greatly overshadowed by all of the other big stuff this week, so much so that I forgot to wrap it all up with an update blog like usual! Whoops!

He had his last dose of his seventh round on Tuesday night. Wednesday ended up being a really busy day, but I will share these pictures that I took that very day.

Resilient is a great word. I’ve grappled with resilience over the past few years. I’ve resented it when people have called us resilient. Because, I would say no one chooses to be resilient. Those of us who are have had to be that way. You can’t know true resilience until you’ve had to overcome hardship, and made it out the other side. My attitude has shifted somewhat, though its possible I’m still a touch cynical on the subject.

I am terribly thankful for God’s grace, which carries us through brutal struggle and tragedy. Without His mercy, we would not be afloat. And it is in HIM alone that we are resilient! Motivation is cool and will power is a wonderful thing to exercise and use! But resilience is learned, and chosen. It is a beautifully appropriate word to use when describing Brady.

Round seven of chemo is behind us, and Brady didn’t miss a beat, as usual. He continues to trust God wholly and completely, and press forward into all that is being sent his way. And he is being blessed upon blessed in ways that would not be so possible if not for the hardship he has endured this last year.

Thank you, Lord, for keeping Brady strong amidst his treatments, medications, and physical limitations. We trust you with Brady!!

We Have a Winner 🏆

It was just days ago that we were notified that someone had nominated Brady for an award. We’ve had multiple phone calls with the founder, lots of messaging, and a zoom call last night. It was made official today that Brady was chosen as the recipient. He WON!!!

The Makers Community Project is a non-profit organization out of New Jersey, whose goal is to enable and equip disabled makers in a way where they can continue to be creative, work, provide, and enjoy their lives. You’d think this is a very niche market, but you would be surprised!! That means making sure workspaces are safe and equipped, but does not exclude basic life necessities. Read more about them here 🙂 and follow them on Instagram!

Brady and I were completely humbled by the fact that they even considered us. Yet they were overflowing with beautiful words about how Brady was the clear choice and they had ZERO reservations about choosing him!

We’ve just been reeling with excitement over here, as this could very well open doors we couldn’t open alone. He’s being promoted and shared all over the place. Donations are being gathered in his name. We are talking about tools and equipment that will be instrumental in Brady taking his woodworking to the next level, where it could truly become our livelihood. This could mean Brady would have work he loves, is capable of, and that he could be flexible with! It would suit our family SO well!

We don’t know all the specifics of what is coming our way, but at the VERY least, we can say with confidence that OPPORTUNITY is knocking!!! 😍

Thank you, Mike, and everyone at Makers!!! We are humbled and honoured to be part of something SO incredible!

Ladies Morning Out: Christmas 2021

Brady, Carrie, and I were asked to sing at a local event this morning. A large group of ladies meet up once a week all year long, and the Christmas wrap up is always a big deal. Last year, Carrie and I were asked to sing, and we asked if Brady could come! By then, we were a band – Rule of Three. Remember that? Goodness I miss it… But anyway, this year was no exception, and Brady was welcomed again to join the fray of ladies and help with the music.

It. Had been. A minute!!!

To be up on a stage, with microphones and sound! Playing for people!!! All three of us 💜 We had such a blast! We didn’t even make too many mistakes, not that it would’ve mattered. Our music was very well received, and we were surrounded by love and warmth once the whole thing was over. I think the nicest thing said to me was that having us up front, singing, made everything feel so normal. Like how things used to be. Normalcy restored. That was really nice to hear, because we really really love singing together.

We ate a delicious brunch, and chatted with good people. It was a really lovely morning of fellowship 💜 Meanwhile, Waverly played completely happily downstairs. She was SO ready this morning, hahaha!

We left the church with arms full of instruments, treats, door prizes, and gifts. As the “performers,” we were given a beautiful winter arrangement for our front step.

And here I was, just thinking about how I could make some kind of pretty outdoor green decor! Guys, all we had to do was sing and we got it!! Does that work for other things? Groceries? Phone bills? Houses? 🤔 Still open to ideas on that homefront, by the way…

It was a completely beautiful morning. I hope we have more opportunities to do music in our near future. It felt normal for me, too. I missed it so much. Once a year is NOT enough!