I did not expect the crazy amount of love yesterday’s post got! Thank you so much, friends, for caring so deeply about us 💜 Knowing we have so many beautiful people in our corner is unbelievable. As you know, you got the whole low down of our secrets yesterday after we had officially had hit a wall. And you guys broke that wall down and gave us further hope! This isn’t over yet!!
I wanted to keep everyone in the loop, in a way, and talk about what came up in your responses, in case someone can pull ideas from someone else’s ideas. Also, just to regroup a bit.
There was actually a handful of people who mentioned a gofundme. First of all, you are SO lovely to even consider that 💜Here is the thing. We could avoid the income issue this way, because we’d apply for a different kind of mortgage that is based more on assets than income. That is possible. BUT, we would have to receive sooooo muuuuuch moneeeeey! It seems it would be next to impossible :/ Forget the fact that if we ever actually get into the next house, we’ll actually be in a better financial position there than we are here. But still, a gofundme/crowd funding campaign would have to bring in a LOT. That being said, in that same ballpark of ideas, it was mentioned to us that we could apply for grants through localish charities. Apparently many charities carry grants, and often have a hard time actually giving them out. But they’re unadvertised. So 🤷♀️I’m not sure what a person is to do. I’m googling like crazy and its easy to find pages to donate to, but to actually receive is a lot harder to find, and honestly, feels a lot worse to look and press for :/ So while this avenue could work, we’d be asking for a LOT.
Another direction is going to get a job! Lol! Yes, this is the most logical idea. Brady would be more than willing to go back to work. Yet, he would be saving us a fortune by contracting his own house, and that on top of chemo, rehab, etc. would be a lot on one guy. It would have to be a pretty perfect, flexible position. In the other direction, yes, I could absolutely get a job, too. Ideally a home job. Transcription and data entry were both mentioned to me, and I would be MORE than game for either! I believe medical transcription requires schooling, though, and its next to impossible to find a data entry job that isn’t a scam. Help? Anyone? I could get a job out of the house, leaving Brady with all the child care, contracting, appointments, etc. This would be fine, but it is not the ideal for either of us. I would be sad being away, and he would be sad being at home. Its doable, if its the only way, but it would be a hard choice to make.
A couple of interesting loopholes have been pointed out to us which we are in the process of investigating, so we’ll share more about those if they come to fruition.
In the meantime, please friends, ANY idea or lead or tidbit you feel inclined to share, please do so. We have a big list of things to look up, look into, people to contact, questions to ask, etc etc etc. Grow that list! Chanted in full “ring those phones” style! Oh guys, did I tell you Telemiracle came and interviewed us and made a whole tv spot about Brady?

Ya that was a whole thing! Hahaha! It was really fun, though 🙂 The kids loved it. The whole team fit in super well around here.
Anyway, please continue to pray and plan with us. Its not over. There is still hope. There is still time. We know we cannot rush God’s timing, but the lot we want will not last, and we cannot build our hefty, extra wide bungalow on one of these skinny little lots in the new area.
God knows these things. His timing is perfect.