Ok, almost everything. We tried! And we took selfies all along the way, so be ready to see a lot of our faces. You’ve been warned.
We left in the late morning, and headed to Martensville. I dropped Brady off at Canadian Tire to grab some plumbing parts for the camper…

…and I drove to McDonalds to grab some quick, cheap lunch. We had GOALS!

From there, we made our way to the blood clinic in the Lawson area. We did not plan ahead, but thankfully, the wait time wasn’t bananas, and Brady was able to get his blood draw in no time.

See the thing was he had an appointment to get to at 1:30, and we had a LOT on the list for the day, so we were trying to crush as many things as possible before his appointment.
From that blood clinic to another, we drove to RUH. I went in to get blood work that I was supposed to get in January. Whoops.

I wanted for an uncool twenty and resent my requisition twice before I said I had to go, but I would come back after our appointment. Merp.
We walked to the other end of the hall and registered Brady for his appointment with *drumroll please* his surgeon, Dr. Fourney! We just got a call from his office that he wanted a follow-up with Brady, and we’ve both been looking forward to it.

He was running late, but Dr. Fourney did not disappoint. I can go into deeper detail in an upcoming post, but what I will say is that he has real confidence that Brady’s tumour will not grow, and that he doesn’t feel that Brady’s cancer diagnosis is as aggressive as some others are saying and believing. He isn’t by any means casting us aside or not caring about the outcome, and backed up everything he said with real information and practical understanding. We will still be going forward with all of our current plans, but hearing his confidence was very comforting and reassuring. He feels much like we do. A fun bonus of that appointment was that he really recognized Brady’s drive, determination, and positive attitude. He said that is a HUGE part of the reason Brady is healing so well, and I fully agree. Obviously, we give ALL glory to God! But yes, Brady has chosen to grab the wheelchair by the horns and keep rolling! (Ha!) And its working. It was a very uplifting appointment.
I went back to the blood clinic after the appointment and they still didn’t have anything. They said come back another day. I told them I wouldn’t be back in the area anytime soon, and they said sorry. So, I left. Merp. Did I mentioned I NEED it soon because I have a day surgery coming up?! GAH!
The Cancer Centre was just across the parking lot, so Brady dropped in there, too, to pick up some meds.

From there, we drove to Saskabilities, where Brady’s brace was being modified. I’m realizing now I should’ve taken a picture of how it looks now, but this will have to do!

His brace used to have his foot fixed Ken doll style, and now the ankle has a hinge! Woot! More mobility is always a win!
Then we hit Walmart. We were SO far across the city, and we never get to the Stonebridge Walmart. See the thing is, I crocheted a project, and I am barely short just ONE color! I’m a little annoyed, because it only comes in a huge ball, and its not even very soft, nice yarn, and I need sooooo little. But, I couldn’t find it at the other locations, so aaaaall the way to Stonebridge, and I can finally bring that purple home and finish my project!

Only mildly passive aggressive about it.
We also got chips and some better plates for camping from Walmart. It was a successful stop!
Aaaaand on the way home, we filled up with gas and bought a few brews from the “scratches and dents” bin! For the laaaaake tomorrowwwww!

We got home shortly after 4:00, and at 5:00, someone from a Saskatoon-based driving school came and picked Brady up. And by “picked Brady up” I mean he showed Brady how to use hand controls, then jumped in the passenger seat, and Brady drove him around Saskatoon until he got home around 7:15.

He had so much fun, and is excited to be approved to get hand controls installed in our vehicle! Apparently it started to feel second nature by the time he was on his way home 🙂 I’m SO proud!
Its been a good day. A HUGE day, but a productive, enjoyable day. We got SO much done! Almost everything 😒I’m still calling it a victory. There is a LOT to come, but we’re doing our best over here. Still, friends, I am overwhelmingly grateful for the help and care we’ve been receiving. I do not take it for granted!