Today we are celebrating FIVE YEARS with our sweet Solomon Brady! This last year has been a big year of change for him!

I couldn’t resist that last grumpy picture 😆😠
Solomon has really taken the plunge into “growing up” this year. Last year, he still seemed so little. He still felt like the baby of the family. He would happily go along with just about everything, which made it easy to have him around, but also made it easy to miss him. In the last year, we’ve pushed him a little harder to do a bit more for himself and while there has been some pushback along the way, he is growing and changing in so many exciting, beautiful ways! He is braver, more confident, and is quicker to join in with the kids games. Last year, he HAD to hold hands with an adult if we went for a walk. This year, he runs ahead with the big kids. Last year, he’d straddle his bike, and watch everyone go up and down the street. This year, he runs his balance bike along with them, and even tests out the bigger bike from time to time. He understands more. Has more opinions. He problem solves. He starts and participates in real conversations. He is an active BIG brother to Waverly, encouraging her and initiating games. He will grab stools and help her reach things she can’t do for herself.
Solly also invited Jesus into his heart this year!! Everything is only looking up for him from here!!
We gave him his gift this morning, so he could play with it with fewer spectators/bossypants siblings around. He got a super cute little remote control Hot Wheels car. It was SO cute.

This is the year he went from little to big, and its been beautiful to watch. I am SO proud of my Solly.

Happy fifth birthday, Solly Wolly Puddin Pop. What a beautiful five years we’ve had together!! You are dearly loved by your family and friends!