I’m struggling with these new limitations of what my body will handle in a day. If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a hundred times. My brain and my body do not agree, and it is positively maddening.
A couple of days ago, Brady and I ran two small errands after his treatment. We stopped at Value Village, and then we drove to Home Sense and picked up an item there. The end. It was a really nice time to just drive together, drink iced coffee, and listen to music. It felt normal, and we both thoroughly enjoyed it! And then that evening, my anxiety was through the roof, WAY more than usual.
So yesterday, we reigned it in a little, and while we still had to run one errand, we determined to keep it to that. And we did. Success! Woot!
When we got home, the kids got home, and we took on the enormous task of teaching our kids to tie their shoes!! Now, I know lots of kids learn at different times, so don’t come at me for their ages and stages, deal? Deal.
Both Dekker and Laela did not like the way of the one bunny ear. No way, no how. Dekker took right to the method of tying two bunny ears in a knot. I told him the one bunny ear is the way most adults do it, and it is quicker once you get the hang of it, but he’s happy with the two bunny ears for now!

Laela had a harder time. Poor thing. She is used to things coming really quickly for her, and she was instantly discouraged when it didn’t work out.

A quick google search refreshed my brain on that quick method of tying shoes that kind of happens in one smooth motion, and it only took a couple of minutes after that before she got it!

She was SO excited, and practiced over and over!
We offered if Dekker wanted to learn that method too, and he was eager. I got him set up with my shoe (because the laces were longer and easier to work with) and as soon as I directed him how to hold his hands, he burst out crying and announced that it was SUCH a pain. 😳 It was completely out of nowhere, and when I asked what happened, he shouted “I do not need this!” Sooooo neither did I, and we were done tying shoes for the day, lol! Oof. It was a tough end to a very successful hour of learning a new skill. He was happy with his way, and Laela was happy with her way. The end.
The wind was officially out of my sails at that point, and we were blessed with yet another supper brought through the door. We had pulled pork on fresh buns, with cold veggies, coleslaw, pasta salad, and dessert. A meal I knew no one would fight about. Win!
But as we were setting the table, a kid decided to take an extra walk through the living room with a glass of water, just to kill time 🙄, and dropped the glass. The glass didn’t break, thankfully, but the water poured over and into one of our bookshelves.
I. Could. Have. SCREAMED. While our afternoon had gone fine, I was so stinking tired and so done with the day already. So naturally, that would be when we would have to be rushing to clean water up, taking literally hundreds of books out of a bookshelf, drying them and stacking them appropriately on towels, trying to save the cheap bookshelf before it warped (thanks for nothing, cardboard backing,) trying to save the baseboard and flooring before it warped, all while everyone was hungry and grumpy. It was tough. But my mom jumped to the job, as did a kid or two, running for towels, and Brady and I got kids dished up and stationed at the table
Once most were done eating, Brady and I were offered rests in the living room while the doddlers finished up and had dessert. We dozed in and out on the couch and recliner. But as many of you know, a mothers work is never done.

Four of the five children took turned laying against me, cranking me with elbows and books, asking questions and wiggling. But I saw their hearts, and how much they wanted to be close to and comfort me. It was sweet, though less restful, but I had the evening to rest. So, we snuggled.
All in all, it was a very successful day. Brady and I had a nice errand and made his radiation appointment into something of a “date.”

We taught our two older kids how to tie shoes!
We got through a frustrating time without yelling at anyone, and the kid who was careless and made a mistake apologized all on their own.
We ate a delicious meal that was brought to us by people we hardly know.
Our meal train officially FILLED!! Thank you, Cher, for organizing it. Thank you, friends, for putting into us in this way. Thank you, Lord, for the circle of people You have brought us! We are overwhelmed with gratefulness.
Everyone went to bed knowing they were loved.
What more could we ask for?