So. Brady had some excitement yesterday. It was pretty rattling, but he’s ok now, and everything is back to being under control.
Brady informed me at 7:00am that he had been up since 3:00am. He had woken up with some cramping in his back and shoulders. That hasn’t been uncommon with the amount of work he’s putting his muscles through, so he buzzed for a nurse and asked for ice and Tylenol. Same as usual. As his back pain started to lift, there was increasing pain in the left side of his ribs, and it was starting to take his breath away. He could not take a full breath. So he rang for help.
He spent all of the next few hours speaking to nurses, the resident, getting blood drawn and having an EKG. He wasn’t allowed to get out of bed anymore, but they sat him up, and that helped him breathe a little easier.
Then his bloodwork came back. His D-dimer level came back in the thousands, which tipped everyone off that he very likely had a blood clot issue. He’s been on anticoagulants since his surgery, but upon changing hospitals, was informed that he was being grossly underdosed at RUH. Regardless of when or why, he very likely had a clot that needed attention.
Brady was referred for an emergency contrast CT scan the moment they opened, and they were on their way up to retrieve him within ten minutes.

He’s about to be hauled away in this picture. And yes, that is Brady’s bed urinal on his lap. Which is vulnerable and maybe a little awkward, but simply a necessity when you’re not allowed to leave your bed. It was just there, and its our only picture. Too bad! 🤷♀️ I was going to blur it or put an emoji over it or something, but something tells me that would’ve made it SO much worse! Hahaha!
Luckily, the CT was a quick test, and he was back in time to eat his breakfast and get ready for the day.
The results didn’t take long to come back. Just as expected, Brady had a clot in his right foot rattle loose, pump THROUGH HIS HEART, and settle in his left lung. 🤮 HORRIFYING. They noted a large number of smaller “speck” clots in the lining of his lungs, also. This is obviously concerning, while being treatable. Brady has been given a big fat dose of an anticoagulant and will carry it forward twice a day for about a week, and then carry forward with a lower dose of the same medication for a longer term. Three months ish. I’m assuming they’ll follow this up with at least more bloodwork, but his pain should subside and he should be good to go with regular activity.

Its hard to have a setback. I know, that sounds completely naive, because of COURSE we’ll have setbacks. This is the FIRST one, and its been SUCH a successful recovery! I won’t lie and say it wasn’t a completely frightening whirlwind of a morning, and of course it happened on the day I wasn’t there, but things are under control for the moment, and Brady will be watched pretty closely for at least the next week or so.
Today already was better.

The ward was so quiet. We played cards, listened to music, chatted, got his IV port out, and even did his leg stim.

Have I even talked about that yet?? Yikes. SO many things to keep track of. 🙃 Its an electric stimulator that he puts in specific spots on his legs that works the muscles he can’t seem to work himself. Its really cool to watch it work, actually! LOTS of hope still that he’ll regain even just some of that strength!
That handsome smile though 😍 I’m a big fan.