Today is Canada’s birthday. I am SO grateful to live here. Canada is important to me.
Tomorrow is a very special birthday. Tomorrow, our dear little Miss Waverly Violet turns TWO.

I have a lot of emotions swirling around my head, but we’ll hash those out together another day. Today is being spent preparing!
Presents are wrapped. A small load of laundry is done. Decorations will be assembled and put up after the kids go to bed. Food is planned and purchased. Baking will happen after this blog is posted.
Normally, we are not a big birthday family, and this will still be small in comparison to many people’s birthdays. But we’re being fussy with it because Wavy is turning TWO of the SECOND! Its her one and only magic birthday, and she is my one child who will have one before they’re adults. The rest of my children will be 21 or older for theirs, and Waverly deserves some “magic” fuss. Lol!
That being said, we may run around and share some birthday love with some friends. Hopefully thats allowed! If weather permits, we hope to bring the birthday parade around rather than having it brought to us! If you happen upon a beautiful little birthday girl tomorrow, please join us in making her feel like a total star! 🤩