Brady’s been talking about cutting his hair recently. Not that he’d cut it all the way off, but maybe to his shoulders, or somewhere around there. It’s SO much work to get it detangled and cleaned nicely, only for him to wear it down for maybe a half before before it goes back up in a bun.

Now, it’s his hair, this I know. But as I was getting my hair done the other day, I lamented to my hair girl that I would be SO sad to see his hair go. My hair girl actually moved salons a couple of months ago to a place very well versed in curly hair care. I told her I had made a deal with Brady that, before he went for a cut, he should go to her just once and see if she could make him love his hair. She was all for it, and said she would absolutely do her part in helping him along! And if not, she’d cut it for him. A deals a deal!
We were discussing it with Cher over coffee this morning, and all the hair talk got a little out of hand. We rabbit trailed a little bit…

Sooooo the last time Brady had straight hair was when we were at bible school. Brady had recruited Jerilee and I to colour and straighten his hair. That was about 13 years ago. His hair is WAY longer now, and we figured it would be fun to see how it looked! Brady settled into a chair in the kitchen with a coffee, and off I went! It took about an hour. Wavy was OVER it…

We went piece by piece, layer by layer. It took a lot of time. But it was worth it!

It got a lot longer, haha! Surprise!

Bonus! We figured we’d add Rowan’s length in here, too, for comparison.

My long haired boys 🥰

It was pretty fun to play with…

He didn’t hate it, but I think everyone agrees it won’t be a usual thing 😉

Can’t imagine why 🤷♀️ I still think he’s terribly cute ❤️

It was SUCH a fun morning 😁