The morning has been cute. Real cute.
My mom came to help me again this morning. I’m sad to say I think morning help might be the order of my day for a while. Mornings are just hard. My thumbs are in bananas-level pain (yes, thats an official unit of measure) which makes just about everything a big effort. Diapers, dishes, backpacks, zippers, loading kids up and taking them to school, etc. On my list of things that hurt the most yesterday, I forgot drying my hands after I wash them. May as well just disconnect my fingers from my hands. Its pretty unreal, and I’m a little choked that I’m needing help for this long. But, as always, God knows.
We have a teether in our house right now.

The sweetest teether you ever did see, but poor little baby girl 💜 She’s still so pleasant, and isn’t crying or fussing or really seeming to be in any discomfort, but she’s so tired and sucky. Very cozy in my favorite jammies of hers.
She enjoyed a little grandma-made brunch, which lifted her spirits a bit.

Brady is having messy fun at work today, lol! I’ll have to tell you all about what he’s up to soon!

Rowan was at preschool and Solly played SO well downstairs by himself for a while. When my mom went to go pick Rowan up, I helped Solomon and Waverly tidy toys up. I wish it was simpler to put videos on the blog because the dance parties that ensued after the toys were picked up were SO fun!! Gifs will have to do!

The kids had fruit and muffins for lunch, and now mom is lovingly doing my dishes while I put this post together and rest my body. Aaaaand I’m not resting my hands at this point, so off I go!
Sorry for the shorty, but no denying it was a cute day! One day I’ll stop talking about all of our ailments and get back to the happier stuff. I’m working on it ❤️