So. Funny story.
Yesterday, I was upstairs after supper, and Dekker called up.
“Dad?” he called. “Can you come down here for a second?”
Brady and I finished our conversation quick and he headed down to see what Dekker needed. Dekker informed him that he had lost a tooth! Woot! Laela migrated upstairs to see what she was missing the celebration for.
Except, Dekker went on, it was lost. Like, LOST lost. Now that is a less than ideal situation when one has a baby who eats every little spec of anything she finds on the floor (like a puppy) and ideally, she wouldn’t eat a tooth. Brady did a quick glance around and picked up a tooth form the carpet.
“Here it is, Dekker,” he said.
“No,” Laela said, taking it from him. “Thats mine.”
Aaaaand it was.
Laela, too, had lost a tooth. Which was SO bizarre. We all had a good laugh as they bled into Kleenexes in the living room, but it pretty quickly had to switch to a search party. Where was Dekker’s tooth. Where had he been when he lost his tooth?
Well, apparently he discovered it was missing downstairs. So down we went. No dice. He wandered around, seemingly trying to replay it in his head. He wandered into the bathroom and suddenly, it seemed like his brain clicked. The upstairs bathroom!
Up to the bathroom we went. Nope. Nada. Nowhere. Did it get flushed? Go down the sink? Wait, no! He clicked again. The entrance. It had to have been the entrance, or near the stairs.
So our mob moved in that’s direction. But it was clear he just didn’t remember. I went to go look under the table. Supper had been over for a good 15-20 minutes at this point, but thats a reasonable place to lose a tooth, right? Right.
Turns out it was the worst day to LOSE lose a tooth, because after a supper of eggs and toast, little bits of egg white were here and there, all over the floor, all of them looking very tooth-like. Yet, I stooped to their level and was able to decipher one egg white bit that was more tooth-like than the others. So tooth-like, in fact, that it turned out to be the (not so) missing tooth!! Yay!!

I don’t think of us as a particularly large family, though I’m not dumb, and obviously our family is larger than “average.” But this felt like a “large family” event somehow, haha! Simultaneously losing teeth! Whats next??