Every year, on New Years Eve, I post about the year past. Its basically a highlight reel, so to speak, about what we’ve all gone through over the past twelve months. I admit that I was a little nervous to go through this one, month by month, and decide what to talk about. It was not our most glamorous year at all. We had some highlights, but it felt like we had a LOT more struggles this year than usual. I am so thankful for our days, weeks, months, and years on this earth ❤️ but 2019 was tough. So was 2017. Oy. But 2018 was excellent for us! Maybe 2020 will be a huge party 🥳 Who knows? Not I! But, regardless of what-ifs and whats-to-comes, let’s do some reliving of 2019, shall we? We shall.

We kicked the year off with a bunch of vehicle trouble. Got stranded in a few places and learned a LOT about our van. All was able to be solved, thanks to research, a mechanically minded husband, and a ton of prayer. Wavy got older and more independent. She rarely fell asleep on us anymore, so it was pretty special when it happened. The kids had a couple quad rides with one of our neighbours, which made winter a bit more survivable. And starting in the beginning of the year, we finally prioritized the basement and got into it!

February was a busy month. We continued working on the basement, and got a lot done. Plumbing, drywall, etc. I got a mole removed and started my fun journey through a bunch of other skin issues. Brady and I celebrated our tenth anniversary! ❤️ This month was record breaking for COLD! Yikes! Rowan celebrated his fourth birthday. Laela stopped napping 🙂

More basement stuff! More plumbing, muddling, taping, etc. The kids were rocking school together. Brady and I were given a night away to Regina to go to a concert, which was a definite highlight! And then my mom got really hurt, and I spent the next while with her.

This picture is out of order, lol! My mom started to improve, which was the highlight of this month, easily. She could leave the house a bit easier for more than just appointments, and we started going for walks. Thank the Lord for the warmer weather! Our band, Rule of Three, played its first gig at Clearcut in April 🙂 More basement stuff, primarily painting! The warmer weather brought out bikes, and Laela learned how to ride without training wheels. I toured Cher’s university and started spending a lot more time with her ❤️

May was a great one! We were gifted a night away at Waskesiu, and embraced it fully! It was SO good to be back, even though it was cold and snow covered. We hosted our first garage sale, also, and Laela lost her first tooth! We tried for another Waskesiu trip and had our experience where our children were watched a little too closely, and we ended up leaving. While that wasn’t a positive experience for us, it opened up an important conversation in our home, so I’m grateful for that. At the end of the month, Solly turned three.

Rule of Three played the local car show. Both kids rocked track and field day, and school wrapped up shortly thereafter. Brady and I went with our friends to Jazz Fest and saw Walk Off the Earth in concert. SUCH a good event! Seriously, if you ever get the chance to see them live…

We kicked the summer off with Waverly turning one. Right after that, we sent the big kids off for their first time to CAMP! They loved it! We raced through the month, and went to Waskesiu for our family vacay immediately upon their return home. Brady and I went to Shakespeare on the Saskatchewan for my birthday. Another “If you EVER get the change” opportunity!

We got a TON more done in the basement in August! Brady’s work was SO slow this entire years, so we picked away at the basement while he was homer. August was when we acquired most of our finishing stuff. My mom turned 60 this month, and her party was AWESOME. Of course, the only picture I have from it is her wearing a headlamp while we disassembled it all late that night 😅 Dekker also had a birthday that month, turning eight. We celebrated National Rainbow Baby day with a beautiful photo shoot of Waverly. The month wrapped up with me finding out I was pregnant ❤️

September feels like an empty month, but there was a lot behind the scenes. School kicked off. Rowan started preschool. Laela turned six. Lots of milestones. In the meantime, I was getting bloodwork every other day and ultrasounds every week to see if my pregnancy was viable. It was not.

Kicked off October with a D&C. That was tough. A couple of weeks later, Cher and I went to Edmonton for some Christmas shopping and a much needed break from daily life. We got our first big batch of snow this month, and October wrapped up with a super cute, slushy, long winded Halloween that the kids really enjoyed!

We played a TON of lego in November, haha! We got more finishing supplies and kept moving on the basement stuff, quite determined to get it done before the end of the year. Waverly had her scary breath holding spell, where she hit her head, appeared to seize, and fainted. That was a pretty big learning experience for all of us. VERY thankful for our new hospital who saw her so quickly and easily. And we put up our tree 🌲

Brady got his Christmas gift early – his beer advent calendar. I’d say that was a highlight, lol! Rule of Three played its first local gig at the restaurant. Jerilee took our family to GLOW for our Christmas gift, and we had SUCH a good time! I organized and executed a homemade gift exchange, which played out in December, and I’d say it was a pretty great success. I knitted up a STORM in December, successfully ending the year in a pretty solid heap of pain, but it was worth it. We Christmassed HARD and had an awesome season.
I say again, I am SO thankful for my life and all I have in it. If you’ve been along for any length of time, you know what I believe. I trust that God knows what I need and when I need it. He has never not provided for me, and I have full confidence He will continue to do so.
I’m thankful for 2019, and I’m ready for 2020!! We’ll talk goals and direction soon 🙂