Everyone is so happy to be home ❤️ They are SO happy to play with their toys, old and new, to read their books, to have their beds back, etc. Wavy didn’t sleep well, but I think thats just going to be our life while they molars work their way in. The others, however, slept great. Everyone was comfy and cool and content.
We kicked the morning off with my mom over a waffle brunch. She came bearing bacon, and we had the waffles, peaches, and coffee. It was an awesome morning. The kids were in full “show and tell” mode, showing my mom all the cool stuff they had acquired while at the lake, and the haul they came home to. They were amped, and it showed. They ate and played and told stories and were so happy. We all were. Wavy also had her own fun. Apparently this whole time, we had a cat and didn’t even know it.

Over nap time, Brady ran over to my moms for a little bit. I hadn’t mentioned it on the blog, but there was this whole ordeal while she was visiting us at the lake, where a couple big and heavy parcels had been delivered and dropped in her driveway during a rainstorm. Don’t get me started. Thanks to God, and a strong beautiful community of people, someone covered and protected them, and later on, people showed up to help her get them inside. Thank you, all who helped. You know who you are. I know my mom greatly appreciated your help, as did I. I felt pretty helpless out at the lake that night. Aaaaanyway, Brady ran over today to assemble those chairs and establish them in the living room, as well as throw away one of her old broken chairs. The new setup is SO much nicer 🙂 Once Brady got home, he scooped up the non-nappers and took them on a drive to Rosthern! Another thing I didn’t talk about on the blog was that yesterday, our Baby Brezza kicked the bucket. If you don’t know, its kind of like a Keurig, except its for baby formula. So it holds a tank of warm water at all times and a canister of formula. When baby needs a bottle, there is a perfectly mixed, perfectly heated bottle ready in seconds. Its AWESOME. I hesitated to talk about it breaking because I know, its a luxury and “the old fashioned way” and all that. But still, it was a HUGE bummer that it broke. Brady went to drove for one I found on Facebook Marketplace last night that was being sold for $20. The guy clearly had no idea what he had, but he just wanted to get rid of it. He said the water tank is cracked, but conveniently, ours is not, so a quick swap could do the trick! He even threw in a bottle warmer that he wanted to be rid of. Thank you, sir! So that was a happy outing 🙂
While they were out, and the nappers were napping, Cher came for a shorty visit. She had lots to do today and places to be, so I think she came for an hour. We haven’t seen each other much recently, with her having a trip just before we had a couple trips. We’ll see each other more tomorrow 🙂
Brady and the kids came home as naptime was wrapping up, and now the kids are outside biking. I have Waverly in here, as she’s a bit of a miserable mess these days. Poor dear. Now we just wait for our evening plans to take shape!
Jerilee is coming for the evening!! I haven’t seen much of her recently either, and she’s going on a trip very soon here, too! This was kind of our only chance to hang out for a while, so todays the day! We already have plans to get Subway for supper, and then for Brady to do some work on the basement while she and I indulge in The Bachelorette. ((NO SPOILERS! We’re behind, and this episode feels like a big one!)) We actually are hoping to make some headway on our basement again in the next few weeks, so be on the lookout for that!
This has just been the BEST first day back home! Seeing all of my favorite people in the same day, and feeling motivated about the house rather than sluggish and discouraged like other times. We’ve got so many things to be thankful for.