Today did NOT go as planned!! My goodness! Haha! Everything turned out, but it was a long afternoon!
Our plan was to run errands today. Brady’s home, so its a good time to get some of those “one person run in while we wait in the van” errands off our list. Plus we always need groceries. So once the big kids were off to school, we dressed and readied the others, and headed to the city!
We stopped to get another jug of water for our dispenser. Apparently our usual place has stopped the exchange system :/ So we refilled our old one and kept going.
We stopped at Telus to get our chipped/cracked screen protectors replaced, and that also was a flop because they don’t do it in store anymore, and we have to go through the manufacturer to get them replaced on warranty. However, the Telus guy recognized us (its been MONTHS) and was super friendly and helpful, so that was good. He even commented that we were short a couple of kids. True.
We drove to 8th St to hit Superstore. We found most everything we needed, and I don’t even think we bought anything unnecessary. Hmmm. Can’t promise that, but I think we did pretty great, actually! I got a bit of a workout in when we got to the checkout lane and realized neither of us had brought a wallet in. So a run across the store, down the ramp, to the van, and back up worked up a solid sweat! Go me!
Lunch stop at McDonalds before driving across to Westwinds to get Waverly her 6 month shots.
We always get our kids vaccines a\t the Westwinds clinic during their Friday afternoon drop-in clinic, between 1:00 and 4:00. You expect to wait. Thats fine. But guys, it was a ZOO! I got there around 1:30 and I’ve never seen it so crazy! There were people with nowhere to sit in the entire waiting room, that is how full it was!
They were turning people away by 2:00. And the clinic was “open” until 4:00. THAT is how full it was!
Wavy was such a champ. She didn’t cry even once! She smiled at people and chewed her fingers and laughed and was generally content for at least the first hour.

We ran into/visited with a small handful of people we knew who were there for shots, also, which helped break the time up a little bit. I even got a little chat in with the girl who usually brings us to the back for our appointments with Dr. Guselle. It feels good to have people to chat with and touch base with so often in so many places. I feel like I know someone everywhere I go, haha!
The second hour was less glamorous. Brady took the little boys to Walmart to blow off some steam.

She was still exceptionally good, but she needed to be moved around constantly. You know that stage. Where they want to stand but can’t for too long, but sitting isn’t fun unless they’re bouncing, and even then, its short lived. They don’t want to be held on your shoulder for long, or to face in, or out. Its a seriously game of juggling, but with the cutest little assistant, it wasn’t so hard.
Around 2:45, Brady texted me in a panic that we had to go get Dekker and Laela from school! We hadn’t anticipated it would take so long, and hadn’t even realized how fast the time had gone. So he drove home, picked the kids up from school, and came back.
As ALWAYS happens, Waverly fell asleep mere moments before her name was called. Because why not.
With the amount of people coming in for shots, Wavy and I were led back to one of the doctor’s personal offices. We did everything in there this time around. I got all the info, consented to everything, looked at all the expiry dates, and it was time to get the job done.
I laid Wavy down on my lap to take her pants and boots off, and of course she woke up. She was a beautiful bundle of stares and smiles for our nurse.
She took her little oral vaccine like a champ, no fuss, no muss.
A shot in one leg, she didn’t even flinch. Didn’t even whine. Just sat.
A shot in the other leg, and she let out a cry. And then a second one. And then she was good to go.
I stood her up on my lap and she returned to her wide-eyed smiling at finger sucking. So that was pretty stinking awesome.

My heart is so relieved when things like this go smoothly. She is such a sweetheart, we all know that, but apparently she’s also super tough! And brave!
We love you, Waverly! Sorry your six month gift is so lame…