I was making jot notes of what to include in todays post, and I had a brief moment of surprise over how little had changed. Todays photo shoot proved me wrong! Also, she is SO photogenic!
(To answer your question before you ask it, no, I still don’t know what color her hair is. But its amazing!)

Aaaaand my favorite one…..

Look how much her hair has grown since she was new!!!!!

Yes, it was a challenge to get her to look at the camera for this one, lol!
Wavy is growing!

Look at that belly! She weighs roughly 12 lbs 6 oz (on a home scale) and is into her 3 month sleepers and shirts. Just the other day, she wore the shirt I had pegged for her “going home” outfit before we knew she was going to be so little!

She’s still suuuper little on the bottom, though. Our kids are always a size smaller for bottoms for at least their first two years of life.
Wavy has begun smiling at people on purpose, which I have SO anticipated!! Its still hard to get on camera, but its there!

We even get the very beginnings of giggles, but we have to work HARD for them! She coos and responds when we talk to her, and follows our voices really well. That is, when she’s awake. Her awake time is spent AWAKE, but she still sleeps most of the daytime, and surprisingly well at night. Just last night, she slept from around 9:30pm aaaaall the way until about 6:45am. It. Was. Awesome. Her usual remains to be only one wakeup per night. She loves her sleep.

A fun “milestone” that I don’t think we’ve actually genuinely reached, but makes me excited, is from the other day. Waverly held her bottle. Aaaaall on her own!

Now, I have ZERO expectation of her to continue holding her bottle from here on out. Nope nope nope. BUT this does tell me a couple of different things. One is that she knows when she’s hungry. Another is that her coordination is there, and its developing more with time. Lastly, the most exciting part, is that it suggests to me that she likes her bottle and is comfortable. NO REFLUX! Guys, I would be ecstatic if she didn’t have that struggle that ALL of her siblings had, to varying degrees. Dekker vomited a ton, but it never seemed to make him uncomfortable. But I mean waterfalls of milk. Always. Multiple times a day. Laela was our least barfy kid, though she was way barfier than Wavy has been so far. ALL of the boys had reflux, and at least Ro and Solly both hated their bottles at a very young age, and neither of them ever held their bottles themselves. 🤞 Knock on wood she remains a fan of her bottle until she doesn’t have to anymore!
This little girly fits in better and better.

I can’t imagine our family without her.

Thank you, Lord, for two whole months with Waverly!