Its been a FULL year! She’s changed so much, but not at all, really. She’s still delicate and playful and soft and silly and all the yummy things in between.
We spent the morning of Laela’s birthday at the zoo, just like we did for her first birthday.
It was a bit cold, and some of our group couldn’t make it, but it was still lovely and fun! The bears, monkeys, and wolves were the highlights! Post zoo trip, we went home for naps, and our guests rejoined us for a supper of perogies and sausage. We were hoping to attend our local fall supper, but most of the kids were completely trashed from the morning out in the cold, and it was better to keep things warm and at home.
Laela got an amazing haul of gifts. Sticker books, bath toys, paints and smelly markers, with more to open tomorrow. Brady and I got her a couple of pretty rings and a comfy sweater that I only wish came in my size!
In Laela’s five year old honour, Cher took some pictures of her the other day. The goal at the time was to show of a cute toque pattern that I had tweaked to make into a kids size, but in my opinion, it turned into a beautiful shoot to celebrate my first daughter, my Laela Hazel. I think I’m going to save those for a different post, because they’re just WAY too beautiful to be snuck in here at the end of post thats already filled with so many pretty pictures, but I’ll leave you with one that just happens to be on theme.
Laela. You are FIVE. You are both SO grown up and still SO little. My heart laughs with yours and hurts with yours. We are cut from the same cloth, my dear. I pray that you always love Jesus, and share him with everyone through that fiery personality of yours. Stay silly, stay warm, and stay honest, even when it sucks. Keep singing and dancing and writing those nice notes you always write. Thank you for being such a bright light in our family. I waited for my Laela for about twelve years, and you are the exact right girl for the name!
Happy fifth birthday, Miss Laela. I love you all the way to Heaven.