Rowan and I headed back to our doctors office for yet another follow up regarding his hearing. This time, we were finally able to see Dr. Guselle! You guys all know I’ll choose her care over just about anyone elses, so I’ve been waiting to speak to her in person on the subject. Luckily, Rowan really likes her, and was very comfortable with the idea of having her check his ears. He’s a pro by now.
We were fairly early, and he and I hung out in the waiting room for a while, admiring the Christmas tree and naming the animals on the wall. When it was our turn, Dr. Guselle came and got us herself. She immediately asked “Was that your van in the parking lot?” We’ve jokingly talked about our big bus in appointments before, as a usual “big family” topic of conversation. I laughed and said it was probably ours that she had seen, yes. She told me she had pictured something totally different, and thought it actually looked really nice! We made a couple jokes about the vans that shuttle convicts around before getting down to the appointment itself.
Ro was totally content with having her check his ears. He tucked his hair to the side and turned his head each way. She surprised me by commenting that his ears looked the same to her, as opposed to the reports that his left ear was plugged and his right ear was clear. I asked if all had cleared then, and she quickly corrected me. No, in fact, both appear to be clogged and fluid-filled. All the same points came up, however, with his language being awesome and himself not being sick. She agreed with me that the situation is unresolved, and that the next logical step is to take him to an ears, nose, and throat specialist. We actually received a letter a few days ago with a date for Rowan to see an ENT, so we’re already on the list! However, his appointment isn’t until the end of February. It feels far. But thats where we are for the moment, anyway. She gave me a brief rundown of how things could play out at the ENT appointment, but we have time. Once we covered that, she asked if we had any appointments or tests last week. I was a bit puzzled, and said no. She I stared at her, and she stared back at me. After a few weird seconds, I asked what she was talking about.
“I mean ultrasounds! Oh, I jumped over to you. Haha! Join me.”
So Rowan’s appointment shifted gears in a fun turn of events, and became an impromptu prenatal appointment! We didn’t go too far in depth, because it really was Rowan’s appointment, but we talked a bit. I told her the medication was kind of screwing me up, but the only real way to help with that is to ween off of it, and I’m pretty hesitant to do that already, so early in the game. I told her I tried to go a bit longer between scans but that it was definitely a stretch. She encouraged me not to stretch that far, and to take the weekly scans for a little while still. In a few weeks, we’ll easily be able to find a heartbeat on a doppler in the office, and normally thats a point of safety, but I told her I feel like I’m going to be jittery for longer than that. I want to see my baby past that 16.5 week point where we lost Jamin. She got that. Baby movement will also help, but knowing that the baby’s placenta is once again in front of the baby, it will take longer to feel the movement than it would if the placenta was behind the baby. Stinking anterior placenta. All of that aside, I felt encouraged and relieved to be back in touch with her. I know I’m supposed to find some extra comfort in being seen by a specialist, but I just miss having my own doctor. I feel so much safer with her. Hopefully once we’re through the second trimester, I’ll be able to transfer back to her.
Rowan was so content throughout the appointment. There was one moment halfway through where he was standing in front of me, and then leaned back with his face up towards mine, and made kissy sounds. It was SO sweet. So I’d say something to Dr. Guselle, smooch Ro, and say the next part. I couldn’t just ignore his advances, haha! But eventually, the appointment ended, and the three of us left the appointment room in search of stickers for Rowan. He picked a little bunny with a carrot, and thanked her very politely. He was just so dang sweet about it. She wished us luck on the rest of our date, and off we went. I love seeing Dr. Guselle. I always feel better.
Ro and I made a quick stop for some tubs of ice cream before heading home. I’ve been just about aching for ice cream, lol, so we picked two kinds and headed home. It was a great date.
I am now completely wiped out, haha! Not surprising, I know. I literally came home and instantly took my sleeping pill, sooooo that just never helps. I actually have to be away for a little bit this evening and be useful in some way, so wish me luck! Energy is lacking, but Brady is home tomorrow!!! So that will help a LOT. There is still so much to do in the coming days, but lots to look forward to! I need to focus on just going one day at a time. And today was a good day